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Předmět Filming the homeland - Cinema in Eretz Israel and the Zionist Movement (MVZ486)

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The Development of a Nation through Film is concerned with the history of the Jewish people’s return to its homeland, as it was depicted on film. The period explored in this course spans from the 1917 British conquest of the Land of Israel (also referred to as Palestine or Eretz Israel) to the first years of the State of Israel.Hebrew silent cinema developed in Eretz Israel at a time when the Zionist enterprise was taking shape. Documentaries and feature films alike presented to viewers the revolution brought about by the Zionist movement in all areas of life in Eretz Israel, at the center of which was the "new Jew."Throughout the course, we will examine the films in terms of conceptual and visual messages in general and the image of the "new Jew" in particular. The lectures are accompanied by screenings of films by Yaacov Ben-Dov, Nathan Axelrod, Yehuda Lehman, Helmer Lersky, Aleksander Ford, Baruch Agadati, and others.


Lesson 1: Zionist Ideology - IntroductionLesson 2: Signs of a BeginningThe Life of Jews in Palestine 1913Lesson 3: Yaacov Ben-DovLesson 4: Yaacov Ben-DovLesson 5: Nathan Axelrod and Haim HalakhmiIn the Days of ... (1932)Lesson 6: Nathan Axelrod and Haim HalahmiOded the Wanderer (1935)Lesson 7: Baruch AgadatiThis is the Land (1935)Lesson 8: Aleksander FordThe Pioneers (1935)Lesson 9: Helmer LerskyLabor (1934)Lesson 10: Leo Hermann and Yehuda LemanLand of Promise (1935)Lesson 11: The Figure of the Holocaust SurvivorFaithful City (Joseph Leytes, 1952)Lesson 12: The Figure of the Holocaust SurvivorHill 24 Does not Answer (Thorold Dickinson, 1954)


PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D.


PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph.D.