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Předmět American political institutions (POL339)

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The participant explore the basic functions of political system in USA. The main topic of the seminar is presidential election 2012.


1. Introduction: Course overview and “The American Political System”2. Selecting the President: A Process of Reform in Continued Flux- “The Public Funding of Presidential Elections”- “National Democratic Party/Convention Delegate Selection Reforms”- “Selecting US Presidents by Accident of Design”3. The President: Role, Limitations, and Power- “The President: Public Expectations”- “The President in Office”4. The Congress: An Organized Counterbalance to the President?- “The Organization and Operation of U.S. Congress”5. The U.S. Court System: Establishment, Organization, and Operation- “Establishment of U.S. Supreme Court Power; Its Organization andOperation in the Court System”6. The U.S. Supreme Court in American Society- “The Responsibility and Powers of the Courts”7. Political Parties, Presidential Elections, and the Future of American Politics- “Race, Religion, and American Political Parties”- “The Future of American Politics: A Continued Revolt of the Moderates?”8. Review9. FINAL EXAMINATION10. Individual meetings with students over course grades


doc. PhDr. Stanislav Balík, Ph.D.


Mgr. Michal Pink, Ph.D.Mgr. Michal Pink, Ph.D.Mgr. Marcela Voženílková