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Předmět Candidate Selection in Political Parties (POL584)

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The course deals with the topic of candidate selection in political parties. First part of the course covers the selection of candidates in general, its features, consequences and the main theoretical approaches in the contemporary research. Second part of the course focuses on primaries as a specific way how to select candidates. The course also maps European and non-European case studies of the respective selection methods, thus presenting both positive and negative examples.


Introduction to selection of candidates;Main theoretical approaches and frameworks for the study of selection of candidates (Hazan and Rahat, Bille, Norris and Lovenduski, Blomgren);Consequences of candidate selection;Power of party leaders and party elites;Primaries - main aspects, purpose, impact;Spread of primaries;Puzzling stories and negative cases of primaries;


Hazan, R. Y. – Rahat, G. (2010): Democracy within Parties. Candidate Selection Methods and Their Political Consequences, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 19-88.Lundell, K. (2004): Determinants of Candidate Selection. The Degree of Centralization in Comparative Perspective, Party Politics, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 25-47.Bille, L. (2001): Democratizing a Democratic Procedure: Myth or Reality? Candidate Selection in Western European Parties, 1960-1990, Party Politics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 363-380.Pennings, P. – Hazan, R. Y. (2001): Democratizing Candidate Selection. Causes and Consequences. Party Politics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 267-275.


doc. PhDr. Stanislav Balík, Ph.D.


Mgr. Peter Spáč, Ph.D.Mgr. Marcela Voženílková