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Předmět Eating- and weight-related problems - risk factors assessment (PSY221P121)

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The overall goal of this course is that students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the risk factor assessment of eating- and weight-related problems (EAWRP) in the general population.At the end of the course, students will be able to:1. Identify the general concepts of EAWRP.Identify core concepts like body dissatisfaction, body image, eatingdisorders, obesity, healthy eating, physical activity, etc.2. Know the most important theories about EAWRP.Identify the more important theories of EAWRP such as the cognitive-behavioral model, the sociocultural model, and the objectificationtheory.3. Know the different kinds of instruments to measure the different aspects of EAWRP (cognitive, behavioral, social, and biological).Identify and differentiate screening instruments, self-reports, interviews, real-time data capture, and biological measures.4. Critically select and successfully use the most proper psychological instrumentto measure a specific EAWRP.Critically review the appropriateness of a test prior to its use.Successfully use a test and knows the Standards for Educational andPsychological Testing.


1. Course information and general introduction. What are EAWRP? The spectrum of EAWRP, DSM-V Criteria, BMI cut-off points, Risk Factors.2. Prevalence and trends of EAWRP; Biopsychosocial consequences ofEAWRP: Health consequences, body dissatisfaction, weight bias victimization (stigma), psychosocial adjustment.3. Neurobehavioral approach to EAWRP: Signs, symptoms, brain functioning.4. Family and EAWRP: Parental influences (pre and post natal), social trends and parenting, family functioning. Assessment methods.5. The Psychology of Eating Patterns: Food choices, food frequency, food intake, decision making, mindless/mindful eating. Assessment methods.6. The psychology of physical activity and sedentary behavior: An overview. Assessment methods.7. Theories I. The Objectification Theory. Gender and EAWRP, body surveillance, body shame, body anxiety. Assessment methods.8. Theories. II. The Cognitive-Behavioral Model. Body image attitudes and investment. Assessment methods.9. Theories III. The Sociocultural Model (Tripartite Influence Model: parents, peers, and media). Internalization, pressures, gender. Assessment methods.10. Psychological assessment of EAWRP (Part 1): Basics of screening; SCOFF, EAT-26, EDI-3, EDE (chEDE, EDE-Q, YEDE-Q), BULIT-R.11. Psychological assessment of EAWRP (Part 2): Self-reports advantages and disadvantages; MBSRQ, QEWP-A, KEDS, McKnight Risk Factor Survey IV. International Guidelines for Test Use.


Mendeley – Eating and Weight Related Problems Group (EAWRP). http://mnd.ly/zdWz5tEating disorders :an encyclopedia of causes, treatment, and prevention. Edited by Justine J. Reel. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood, 2013. xiv, 498 s. ISBN 9781440800580. infoHandbook of assessment methods for eating behaviors and weight-related problems :measures, theory, and research. Edited by David B. Allison - Monica L. Baskin. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2009. xiv, 701 s. ISBN 9781412951357. info


Mgr. Stanislav Ježek, Ph.D.


Carlos Arturo Almenara, PhD.Mgr. Stanislav Ježek, Ph.D.Mgr. Kamila Dufková