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Předmět Love and sexuality on the internet: Empirical research and theoretical explanations (PSY494P121)

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Course objectives – to introduce students to the field of internet sexuality, themes and trends over the past decade – to critically evaluate prior research and identify knowledge gaps – to improve students’ ability to understand and discuss internet sexuality from a theoretical point of view


The course is structured in form of introductory lectures and subsequent discussions in groups and in class. Students will be assigned two papers each which will be presented and discussed on the second and third dates. The first lecture will introduce the course, a background to the topic, literature, and assignments including examination. The second lecture will focus on prior research, themes and trends and student presentations. The third lecture will focus on theoretical perspectives on internet sexuality and student presentations. The fourth lecture is the examination. It will be an oral examination in groups. Each group will answer questions, present questions, and discuss questions. Although conducted in small groups, each student should be prepared individually. The examination will be presented in more detail at the course introduction. Presentations and active participation is required. Class evaluation: The overall grade will consist of the following: Presentations 30%, Active participation in discussions 30%, Exam 40%. Total 100 points 100-93%=A, 92-85%=B, 84-77%=C, 76-69=D, 68-61%=E, and below 60%=F. Class attendance policy: Students active participation is valued and encouraged; it makes up for 30% of the final grade. Therefore class attendance is mandatory. In the case of illness or family emergency, please contact me via email prior to class.


prof. PhDr. David Šmahel, Ph.D.


prof. Kristian DanebackMgr. Klára Šmídová