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Předmět American Identities (SOC279)

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The purpose of this course is to explore the larger social and structural context of how individual and social identities are formed in the United States. This course defines identities on multiple levels and perspectives, such as race, class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age, religion, and region.This class provides a foundation for thinking both historically and sociologically about identity. Identities are sociological categories that provide meaning and shape how we view ourselves in relation to social structures (e.g., our relationship to governments and social status). Identities also shape our personal narratives or biographies—the ways in which we describe ourselves societally to one another through ideas.This course explores the issues challenging the United States and people around the globe by studying categories of identity that Americans employ in daily in discourse concerning ability, disability, citizenship, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexuality, and socioeconomic status and inequalities.


prof. PhDr. Ladislav Rabušic, CSc.


Dr. Randal Jelks