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Předmět Intercultural Communication (ZUR393i)

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This course examines intercultural contexts stemming from the growing diversity and interconnectedness of the world. The first part of the course is focused on an understanding of the mainstream Intercultural studies tradition. The second part of the course covers recent theoretical evolutions in this field, reflecting the increased transnationalization of the world and the development of new media technologies. The third part of the course is focused on the politics of cultural identity in relation to media practices. By reading a variety of research articles assigned in the course and participating in class discussions, students learn to develop their own research projects focusing on intercultural communication and its relation to media. Comprehend multiple theories of intercultural communication. Understand our world as the main context of new intercultural communication research Review and analyze a variety of research articles on intercultural communication. Build professional experiences by conducting interviews with intercultural people Develop a research project by applying sociocultural experiences.


Week 1. Course introductionWeek 2. Traditional Approach 1 – Acculturation StudiesWeek 3. Traditional Approach 2 – East and West DualismWeek 4. Intercultural MediaWeek 5. Globalization and Cultural ChangesWeek 6. Transnational Community and the MediaWeek 7. Mid-term ExaminationWeek 8. New Media and Intercultural CommunicationWeek 9. Understanding communityWeek 10. Identity Politics and CommunicationWeek 11. Multiculturalism and the MediaWeek 12. Group PresentationsWeek 13. Final Examination


prof. PhDr. Jiří Pavelka, CSc.


Tae-Sik Kim, Ph.D.