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Předmět The A-Z of survey data analysis (ZUR589k)

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The course will focus on the various aspects of survey data analysis and cover in detail the process from data analysis to a published research report. Survey data is widely used in social sciences and successfully analysing such data requires a broad set of skills ranging from knowledge of inferential statistics to formatting of text, tables and figures. It will be assumed that students are familiar with key concepts of descriptive statistics. Also that they have some experience with a statistics software like SPSS. Basic knowledge of Word and Excel is also assumed. During the course students will solve practical assignments using real data and can either bring their own data or choose between two data sets provided by the instructor (the 2010 EU Kids Online survey and the 2013 Net Children Go Mobile survey).


Monday 20.04 13:30 – 16:45Overview of the process and the general task of analysing data – the link from theory to practical workTuesday 21.04 09:45 – 13:00Exploring data – maintaining focus, avoiding unnecessary work and keeping a record of data transformationsWednesday 22.04 15:15 – 18:30Analysing data – deciding on the story, keeping notes of decisions, avoiding complex statistics and not forgetting the theoretical modelThursday 23.04 15:15 – 18:30The layout of the report – Tables and figures, the colour palette, fonts, headings, styles, sections, margins, headers, footers and other essentials of a professional looking publicationFriday 24.04 09:45 – 13:00The editing process – wrapping it up and pulling it all together, checking for errors, managing versions and avoiding the deadline meltdown


doporučená literaturaPALLANT, Julie. SPSS survival manual :a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS. 4th ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2010. xiv, 345 s. ISBN 9780335242399. info




prof. PhDr. David Šmahel, Ph.D.


Kjartan Ólafsson, M.A.Mgr. Klára Šmídová