Předmět Anatomie I - pitvy (aVLAN0121c)
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Materiály tohoto předmětu
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At the end of the course students should be able to:1. Describe all components (bones, joints, muscles, vessels and nerves) of the upper and lower extremities, and back2. Relate features of extremities and back with respect to adjacent structures3. Review arrangement of layers from the superficial to deep ones in all regions of the upper and lower limbs and back4. Create the anatomical prosection of some studied region using specified dissecting procedures5. Distinguish abnormalities of the prosections.
1st day: Back - skin incisions, subcutis - nerves, vessels;Upper limb - dissection of the deltoid and scapular regions, skin incisions in the arm;Lower limb - dissection of the gluteal region2nd day: Back - dissection of the trapezius, latissimus dorsi;Upper limb - completion of the dissection of the arm;Lower limb - dissection of the anterior femoral region3rd day: Back - dissection of the rhomboids, levator scapulae, erector spinae;Upper limb - dissection of the forearm - skin, subcutis, superficial muscles;Lower limb - dissection of the posterior femoral and crural regions4th day: Back - dissection of the splenius, semispinalis, serrati;Upper limb - completion of the dissection of the forearm, palm;Lower limb - completion of the dissection of the crus, dorsum of foot5th day: Back - dissection of the deep nuchal muscles, suboccipital trigone, multifidi;Upper limb - completion of the dissection of the palm, dorsum of hand;Lower limb - completion of the dissection of the dorsum of foot, sole6th day: Examination ( the result will be included in the result of the final anatomy exam)
doporučená literaturaDRAKE, Richard L. Gray´s anatomy for students. ISBN 9780443069529. infoKACHLÍK, David a Ondřej VOLNÝ. Memorix anatomy :comprehensive book of human anatomy in English and Latin. Illustrated by Radovan Hudák - Jan Balko - Simona Felšővá - Šárka Zavázal. 1st edition. xvii, 610. ISBN 9788073879501. infoGray's Atlas of Anatomy , 2nd Edition By Drake, Vogl, Mitchell, Tibbitts & RichardsonStingl, Grim, Druga: Regional anatomy. Galén 2012, ISBN 978-80-7262-879-7.HRADILOVÁ SVÍŽENSKÁ, Ivana, Michaela RAČANSKÁ a Petr DUBOVÝ. Anatomy :handbook of splanchnology and angiology. 1st ed. Brno: Masaryk University, 2014. 153 s. ISBN 9788021067714. infoLOUKAS, Marios. Gray's clinical photographic dissector of the human body. Edited by Brion Benninger - R. Shane Tubbs. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2013. ix, 428 p. ISBN 9781437724172. infoPAULSEN, Friedrich. Sobotta, Atlas of Anatomy: Musculoskelatal System, Internal Organs, Head, Neck, Neuroanatomy - With Online Access: Musculoskeletal system, internal organs, head, neck, neuroanatomy. 15th ed. 2011. ISBN 9780723437314. infoDUBOVÝ, Petr . Instructions for Anatomical Dissection Course. 1. dotisk 2. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010. 71 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4229-2. infoAtlas of anatomy :Latin nomenclature. Edited by Anne M. Gilroy - Brian R. MacPherson - Lawrence M. Ross - Michael Schu. New York: Thieme Medical, 2009. xv, 656 p. ISBN 978-1-60406-099-7. info
prof. RNDr. Petr Dubový, CSc.
doc. RNDr. Ladislava Horáčková, Ph.D.MUDr. Ivana Hradilová Svíženská, CSc.MUDr. Marek JoukalMUDr. Ilona Klusáková, Ph.D.MUDr. Roman Kopáčikdoc. MUDr. Pavel Matonoha, CSc.RNDr. Michaela Račanská, Ph.D.MUDr. Drahomíra Stančeva Pernicová, Ph.D.MUDr. Roman TrubačMUDr. Lenka Vargová, Ph.D.Mgr. Kateřina VymazalováDana Procházková