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Předmět Čeština pro cizince I (VSCJ0181)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu VSCJ0181 - Čeština pro cizince I, Lékařská fakulta, Masarykova univerzita (MU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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The aim of the tuition is working knowledge of the Czech language on the A1 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference" (CEFR/Independent User) checked by an examination. After first year students can understand vocabulary and basic phrases related to students, their families, and their immediate specific surrounding, provided people speak clearly and at a slow rate. The knowledge enables students to communicate in common routine tasks, such as shopping, accommodation, using public transport, orientation in the city, asking the way, being able to describe their place of living and people they know by simple phrases and sentences. Students should also be able to fill in forms with personal data, such as name, nationality and address when applying for residence accommodation. Emphasis put on knowůedge of parts of body and basic useful phrases in medical communication.


1st week: Communicative Competency: Introduction, Greetings. Where are you from? Phrases in the classroom. Grammar: Czech alphabet. The sounds of Czech and their pronunciation and spelling. Vowels, diphthongs. Consonants, assimilation of consonants in groups. The verb "to be". Cardinal numerals 1 - 20.2nd week: Communicative Competency: What do you do in Brno?. Grammar: Word and its forms in Czech. Natural/grammatical genders in Czech. Three genders of Czech nouns. Nominative of singular in nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and numeral "one".Demonstrative pronouns "ten, ta, to". Cardinal numerals 21-1000.3rd week: Communicative Competency: What is my friend like? Grammar: Who is it? What is it? Adjectives: hard and soft. Jaký, -á, -é? Possesive pronouns.4th week: TEST 1 (L1 and 2). Communicative Competency: My family. Grammar: What time is it? Czech verbs (introduction). Project 1: My family.5th week: Communicative Competency: Time and activities. Grammar: Present tense of verbs (conjugation "-ám","-uji, -ím, -u"). Verb negation. Time expressions, days of the week, months. Project 2: Likes and dislikes.6th week: TEST 2 (L3). Communicative Competency: I like/dislike doing st, I like/don't like st. Grammar: Modal verbs. The verb "to have". Accusative case in singular (introduction), see 10th week.7th week: Communicative Competency: Where is it? How can I get there? Orientation in the City. Grammar: Adverbs of place. The verb "to go". Locative case of nouns in singular (introduction)8th weeks: Communicative Competency: My daily routine. University city Brno. Grammar: . Where do you go versus Where are you? Project 3: My life in Brno.9th week: TEST 3 (L4). Communicative Competency: How to write an informal letter in Czech. Telephone calls. Grammar: Parts of body I. Revision.10th week: Communicative Competency: Meals. Café, Restaurant. Likes and dislikes: rád+verb, mít rád, líbit se, chutnat. Grammar: Present tense, infinitive. Accusative of singular in nouns, adjectives, pronouns, and numeral "one". Verbs nad prepositions used with the accusative.11th week: TEST 4 (ORAL TEST).Communicative Competency: Conversation at restaurant. Personal pronouns in the accusative. Bolí mě... .Parts of body II.12th week:Communicative Competency: Visit. Czech traditions. Christmas.Grammar: Modal verb "to want". Prepositons do-na-v.13th week: TEST 5 (1-5). Revision.14th week: FINAL TEST.


povinná literaturaHOLÁ LÍDA. New Czech Step by Step. 4. opr. vyd. Praha: Akropolis, 2008. 256 s. ISBN 978-80-86903-73-6. infoHOLÁ, Lída. New Czech step by step :activity book. 3., opr. vyd. Praha: Filip Tomáš - Akropolis, 2006. 127 s. ISBN 80-86903-33-8. infodoporučená literaturaREMEDIOSOVÁ, H. a E. ČECHOVÁ. Chcete mluvit česky? / Do you want to speak Czech? Textbook 1. A communicative course of contemporary Czech for English speakers (beginning to intermediate level). 5. vyd. Liberec: Harry Putz, 2005. 414 s. ISBN 80-86727-04-1. infoGRUNDOVÁ, Dominika. Needs of Patients. Czech-English Phrasebook for Beginners. 2., revid. vyd. Praha: Eurolex Bohemia, 2004. 104 s. ISBN 80-86432-86-6. info


The main aim of the course Czech for Foreigners is to teach students communicate with patients in Czech without any help of English speaking doctors or interpreters and independently write case history.First year students can understand vocabulary and basic phrases related to students, their families, and their immediate specific surrounding, provided people speak clearly and at a slow rate. The knowledge enables students to communicate in common routine tasks, such as shopping, accommodation, using public transport, orientation in the city, asking the way, being able to describe their place of living and people they know by simple phrases and sentences. Students should also be able to fill in forms with personal data, such as name, nationality and address when applying for residence accommodation.


PhDr. Ivana Rešková, Ph.D.


PhDr. Magdalena PintarováPhDr. Ivana Rešková, Ph.D.PhDr. Renata PrucklováPhDr. Ivana Rešková, Ph.D.Mgr. Martin PunčochářPhDr. Ivana Rešková, Ph.D.PhDr. Lenka ŘitičkováPhDr. Ivana Rešková, Ph.D.Mgr. Jarmila ŠafránkováMgr. Petra WachsmuthováPhDr. Ivana Rešková, Ph.D.PhDr. Jana Vyorálková