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Předmět Čeština pro cizince VIII (ZLCJ0888)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu ZLCJ0888 - Čeština pro cizince VIII, Lékařská fakulta, Masarykova univerzita (MU).

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The aim of the tuition is working knowledge of the Czech language on the B1/B2 level of the "Common European Framework of Reference" (CEFR)(Independent User) checked by an examination.


Czech for Foreigners. Syllabus.1st - 3rd weeks: Revision Lessons. Communication practice.Grammar:Posessive Pronouns.4th - 5th weeks: Ortodontics.Grammar Vocative.6th - 7th weeks: Prostetics.8th - 10th weeks: Organs and bones.11th - 12th weeks: Injuries.13th - 14th weeks: Revision lesson.15th week: Final test.


ČERMÁKOVÁ, Iveta. Talking Medicine: Czech for Medical Students. 1. vyd. Praha: Eurolex Bohemia, 2006. 217 s. ISBN 80-86861-12-0. infoGRUNDOVÁ, Dominika. Needs of Patients. Czech-English Phrasebook for Beginners. 2., revid. vyd. Praha: Eurolex Bohemia, 2004. 104 s. ISBN 80-86432-86-6. infoREMEDIOSOVÁ, H. a E. ČECHOVÁ. Chcete mluvit česky? / Do you want to speak Czech? Textbook 1. A communicative course of contemporary Czech for English speakers (beginning to intermediate level). 5. vyd. Liberec: Harry Putz, 2005. 414 s. ISBN 80-86727-04-1. infoThe first two titles are basic, the third is supplementary.


ZLCJ0787 Čeština pro cizince VII The main aim of the course Czech for Foreigners is to teach students communicate with patients in Czech without any help of English speaking doctors or interpreters and independently write case history. Students can understand information related to very familiar topics that they regularly encounter at school, in the hospital, and in their free time, provided the information is communicated clearly. Students can write simple texts on familiar topics and topics related to their interest, and understand texts that consist of high frequency everyday or job-related language. 3rd and 4th year course focus lies in specialized terminology. The seminars concentrate on practising thematic doctor-patients dialogues and specialised medical terminology with the use of course book based and teacher created exercises.


PhDr. Ivana Rešková, Ph.D.


Mgr. Petra WachsmuthováPhDr. Ivana Rešková, Ph.D.PhDr. Jana Vyorálková