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Předmět Úvod do studia literatury (A2BK_UVOD)

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This course is an introduction to thinking and writing about literature. Foremost, we will read and discuss a wide variety of texts. In our discussions, we will focus on how we, as readers, can approach these texts creatively and independently so that we become empowered by literature - for example, by becoming the co-creators of meaning. In order to reach that goal, we will start assembling the basic toolbox of an empowered reader: we will learn how to pose effective questions and lead a discussion about literature, how to employ the tools of critical analysis, use the basic terms of literary theory and criticism, and be comfortable with the conventions of academic discourse. We will also practice essential writing skills, such as explication or comparison and contrast.


1. Paying Attention to Text (what is literature; close-reading technique, textual analysis)2. Asking Questions (analyzing and interpreting texts; literary communication; argumentation; participation in a debate)3. Critical Thinking (basic terms of literary theory, major trends in anglophone literary criticism)4. Writing About Literature (how to write research papers, issues of citation and plagiarism, major skills in the writing process such as developing ideas, outlining, drafting, organizing, arguing, comparing, contrasting)


Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: MLA, 1984Wellek, René, Austin, Warren. Teorie literatury. Olomouc: Votobia, 1996. (Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. Theory of Literature. London, 1949.)Cuddon, J.A. Penguin Dictionary of Literary Terms. Penguin Group, London: Penguin Books, 1991 (1977), ISBN 0-14-051227-6MEYER, Michael. The Bedford introduction to literature. New York: Bedford Books, 1987. xxv, 1782. ISBN 0-312-07115-9. info


It is expected the students are acquainted with basic literary theory and practice, required at the Maturita level.


Mgr. Lucie Podroužková, Ph.D.


Mgr. Zuzana Klímová