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Předmět Současné události v anglicky mluvících zemích (AJ_CEEC)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu AJ_CEEC - Současné události v anglicky mluvících zemích, Pedagogická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita (MU).

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This is a seminar/discussion course where students will follow current events in the English language media and bring selected articles to summarize and present in class where they will compare, contrast and analyze the differing points of view in open conversation around the table. News sources will include both print and electronic and will be considered not only according to their nationality and political bias, but also according to their targeted readership (e.g. tabloid/broadsheet, Fox/BBC).Course Objectives: As developing teachers, the students will hone their speaking and listening skills, expand their vocabulary and familiarity with idiomatic language and journalistic discourse types, as well as assess cultural differences within English speaking lands. By discussing the same event as reported in various news sources, students will also appraise media - develop a critical eye as consumers of English, becoming better able to distinguish hidden or implied bias. By participation in the weekly "round table" discussions, and especially in the group presentations, students will have an opportunity to develop their spoken fluency in group situations.Attendance, preparation, participation in class discussion and group presentations are the major credit requirements for this course.


While the exact curriculum will be determined by what is in the news each week in English-speaking lands, and is therefore impossible to codify, it is highly probable that discussion will center around reportage on subjects such as:Globalization and economy,Terrorism,Race relations and cultural clashes,Environment and global warning,Middle East conflict,Religion and fundamentalism,Immigration and third world development,Education, Social welfare and poverty,Politics,Gender


povinná literaturaLee, Martin A. and Solomon, Norman. Unreliable Sources. New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1992Literature for this class includes the whole scope of the English language media: newspapers, magazines, radio, television and Internet.E. Bielsa and Susan Bassnett: Translation in Global News, Routledge 2009




Mgr. Lucie Podroužková, Ph.D.


Michael George, M.A.