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Předmět Tvůrčí psaní krátkých poetických a prozaických textů (AJ_CREA3)

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At the end of the course students should be aware of what writing poems and stories in English is about. They will learn the basical techniques of short story-writing. Their overal proficiency in their writing skills is expected to improve.


Students will learn to express their ideas and feelings through poetic and prosaic texts of different length. They will learn about basic procedure of writing a short story.Preliminary topics may include:- the main principles of creative writing- treating a topic within different genres- chain story/chain poem- inspiration in music and visual arts- treating a controversial topic- Etc.


doporučená literaturaLEACH, Heather a Robert GRAHAM. Everything you need to know about creative writing :(but knowing isn't everything--). New York: Continuum, 2007. 195 s. ISBN 978-0-8264-9021-6. infoneurčenoSCRIVENER, Jim. Learning teaching :a guidebook for English language teachers. 2nd ed. Oxford: Macmillan, 2005. 431 s. ISBN 1-4050-1399-0. infoHARMER, Jeremy. How to teach writing. Harlow: Longman, 2004. vi, 154 s. ISBN 0-582-77998-7. info


For students of English.


Mgr. Lucie Podroužková, Ph.D.


PhDr. Alena Dobrovolná, Ph.D.Mgr. Jaroslav Suchý