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Předmět Praktický jazyk 1B (AJ2BP_PJ1B)

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Students will develop all four skills, reading, listening, speaking and writing, for better communication. As they are expected to be at an upper-intermediate level (CEFR B2-C1), they will work on extending the range and accuracy of the language as well as the register.They will learn to analyze the language for teaching purposes and will be aware of the fact that they have changed their roles - from being the users of the language into being the source of information about the language and language model providers.


The students will cover units 5-7 from Clive Oxenden: New English File Upper-intermediate. Student's Book. Oxford University Press.


KAY, Susan, Vaughan JONES, Philip KERR a Jon HIRD. Inside out. 1st ed. Oxford: Macmillan, 2001. 159 s. ISBN 0-333-75760-2. infoMURPHY, Raymond. English grammar in use :a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English : with answers. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. x, 379 s. ISBN 0-521-53762-2. infoKERR, Philip. Inside out., [Upper intermediate]., Workbook. 1st publ. Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann English language teaching, 2001. 96 s. : il. ISBN 0-333-75761-0. infoEnglish or czenglish ? Jak se vyhnout čechismům v angličtině. Edited by Don Sparling. 2. vyd. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1991. 274 s. ISBN 80-04-25969-3. infoBOHUSLAVOVÁ, Libuše, Věra JANÍKOVÁ , Jana TÁBORSKÁ a Věra SLÁDKOVÁ. Evropské jazykové portfolio pro dospělé studenty v České republice. 1. vyd. Praha: Scientia,spol.s r.o. pedagogické nakladatelství, Praha 6, 2004. 43 s. ISBN 80-7183-313-4. info


AJ2BP_PJ1A Praktický jazyk 1A Students must pass the first semester of Practical Language (AJ2BP_PJ1A) before entering this course.


Mgr. Irena Headlandová Kalischová, Ph.D.


Mgr. Jana ChocholatáIng. Katarína Lexová, M.A.