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Předmět Praktický jazyk 2A (AJ2BP_PJ2A)

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This course provides practical applications for English including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will improve their facility with the language through discussions, exercises, assignments and presentations. The goal of this course is to maximize the use of English in various formats through activities designed to improve students' language skills. This course is an opportunity to explore various teaching techniques and ways to use a cultural context for facilitating language use.By the end of the year, students will be able to (SWBAT) do the following things:• Given a text written for the general public, SWBAT recognize the most important ideas and produce an oral summary. • Given a cultural or social topic, SWBAT make substantial, coherent, and relevant contributions to discourse. • Given a cultural or social topic, SWBAT analyze the main ideas in writing and explore the topic with an original perspective that initiates further questions. • Given a cultural or social topic, SWBAT produce stretches of language with a fairly even tempo (occasional pauses do not put a strain on the listener) and consciously monitor their speech for common mistakes. • Given a cultural or social topic (e.g., in TV and radio documentaries, live interviews, talk shows, plays, films), SWBAT analyze the opinions given even if they contain either formal language or a considerable degree of slang and idiomatic usage. • Given a fiction or non-fiction work related to a cultural or social topic, SWBAT summarise the work while expressing opinions, forming arguments, provoking discussion, and speculating about causes, consequences, and hypothetical situations. • SWBAT write a short review of a film of a film, book, or cultural event. • SWBAT discuss, report on, and review current issues in the media. • SWBAT demonstrate a critical awareness of the similarities and differences among diverse cultures by forming an argument on social, political, and cultural issues, defending their views and opinions. • SWBAT demonstrate an appropriate use of language depending on the social and culture-specific situation. • SWBAT be aware of the inter-dependence of language and culture.


This class meets weekly and requires active participation. The classwork and forums will be based around the coursebook New English File Advanced as well as various topics related to culture and its use in language learning and teaching.


povinná literaturaOXENDEN, Clive a Christina LATHAM-KOENIG. New English file. Oxford: Oxford University, 2010. 168 s. ISBN 9780194594585. infoneurčenoDictionary of English language and culture (Variant.) : Longman dictionary of English language and culture [1992, Longman] : Longman dictionary of English language and culture [1998, Longman]. infoRequired reading will be found in the online syllabus for the course.FRIEDEL, Robert D. A culture of improvement :technology and the western millennium. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT, 2007. x,588 s. ISBN 978-0-262-06262-6. infoA reader's guide to making America : the society and culture of the United States. Edited by Luther S. Luedtke. Washington: United States Information Agency, 1990. viii, 97 s. info


( AJ2BP_PJ1B Praktický jazyk 1B && AJ2BP_GRAB Gramatika B && AJ2BP_CF1B Cvičení k fonetice B ) || AJ2BP_SOZK Souborná zkouška z AJ


Mgr. Irena Headlandová Kalischová, Ph.D.


Mgr. Zuzana Klímová