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Předmět Lidová píseň v anglické kultuře a historii (AJB_GUEST1)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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The course examines different elements of English history and culture through the texts of ballads, folksongs, broadsides and other historical forms of popular songs. Although the song text, like any other primary text, cannot substitute scholarly secondary materials (history books), it is invaluable in complementing and completing a view of history. The course will take students through several centuries of history, singing as well. Students will be able to understand great history on examples of personal stories, they will learn how to approach older texts in English, and how to interpret them. The course practices CLIL approach to teaching English (history, language, and culture).


Sessions:Wednesday afternoon:1. Requirements, Introduction. How to use song texts.2. Politics in Song. Powerpoint presentation.3. Song and the Church.Thursday afternoon:4. Gallows songs. Powerpoint presentation followed by group work with broadsheets.5. Songs of the Mill and Mine.Friday afternoon:6. The 18th century ballad singer in the age and art of William Hoggarth.7. A Singing, Swinging War: war songs from the 15th to the 20th century.Saturday morning:8. To and Fro: how the oral and the written genres interweave. Powerpoint presentation.9. Sum up, sing up!


povinná literaturaLloyd, A.L. Folk Song in England.doporučená literaturaRouse, Andrew C. The Remunerated Vernacular Singer: from Medieval England to the Post-War Revival.(2005)Porter, Gerald. The English Occupational Song.


Fluent English.


doc. Mgr. Světlana Hanušová, Ph.D.


PhDr. Irena Přibylová, Ph.D.