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Předmět Nový Zéland (AJB_NEWZ)

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The students will be able to understand New Zealand life and culture in the past and today. They will examine the natural history of the country, Maori settlement, culture and traditions, contact with first Europeans and their relationship today. They will be able to analyze and interpret the life in modern New Zealand, its contemporary culture and study, work and travel opportunities there.


The first block will consist of a presentation - introduction to basic facts about New Zealand life and culture. There will also be some reading and video material for students to study and discuss (natural history, Maori – history, lifestyle, culture; contemporary lifestyle and culture.Before the second block there will be reading assignments for students to do and the second block will consist of students´ presentations on chosen topics and watching of a film Once were the warriors followed by discussion.


The Oxford illustrated history of New Zealand (Orig.) : Dějiny Nového Zélandu. infoKNUDSEN, Eva Rask. The circle & the spiral :a study of Australian Aboriginal and New Zealand Māori literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004. xiv, 360 s. ISBN 90-420-1058-4. infoWARDLE, Peter. Vegetation of New Zealand. Caldwell, N.J.: Blackburn Press, 2002. xx, 672 s. ISBN 1-930665-58-X. infoTelling stories :indigenous history and memory in Australia and New Zealand. Edited by Bain Attwood - Fiona Magowan. 1st pub. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin, 2001. xvii, 269. ISBN 1-86508-554-5. infoGOLDIE, Terry. Fear and temptation : the image of the indigene in Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand literatures. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1993. ix, 271 s. ISBN 0-7735-0691-8. info


Mgr. Lucie Podroužková, Ph.D.


doc. Mgr. Světlana Hanušová, Ph.D.Mgr. Gabriela Hradilová