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Předmět Videoweb (AJB_VIWE)

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Další informace


In this course, students will improve their ability to observe classroom situations, analyze them, evaluate them and suggest alternative courses of action. This should help them in their (future) teaching practice. As this is a trial version of the course, student will also be able to help improve the course itself for the future by sharing their opinions about the structure and content of the videos, tasks and of the course in general.


1. Initial questionnaire and a trial analysis of selected classroom videos.2. Aims of activities (video sequences and tasks focussing on the aims behind various classroom activities and their fulfillment)3. Instructions (video sequences and tasks focussing on giving instructions in class)4. Classroom management and discipline (video sequences and tasks focussing on different approaches to classroom management and maintaining discipline)5. Giving feedback (videos and tasks focussing on error correction and giving feedback to students during oral work)6. End-of-course questionnaire and analysis of selected classroom videos


doporučená literaturaLanguage teaching methodology related booksTexts on moodlinka


This course aims at students of the English department of Faculty of Education with or without teaching practice experience.


Mgr. Naděžda Vojtková


Mgr. Eva Minaříková, Ph.D.