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This block option class looks at the importance of the West in American history. The first meeting deals with the West, its lure of Europeans to the New World and its subsequent shaping of the American character. Readings during the semester examine European immigration and westward expansion, the effect of the western movement on family, and race (Native Americans, Chinese Americans and Mexican Americans) among other issues. The last meeting focuses on the enduring influence of the West in modern American life and politics, and its mythologizing at the hands of Hollywood.The aim of the course is for students to distinguish between the stereotype and reality of American culture and develop a more balanced and realistic understanding in appraising of one of the centers of modern English language.


Syllabus for block plan:Through the discussion of assigned texts as well as documentary videos the first meeting deals with the West as a cause of European immigration and its subsequent shaping of the American character.Readings during the semester examine westward expansion and its effect on family, as well as race (Native Americans, Chinese Americans and Mexican Americans) among other issues, all of which are discussed on the class on-line forum.Through the discussion of assigned reading and video excerpts of classic and modern western films, the last meeting analyzes the enduring influence of the West in modern American life and politics, and its mythologizing at the hands of Hollywood.


Webb, Walter Prescott. The Great Plains. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1931Turner, Frederick Jackson. “The Significance of the Frontier in American History”Kaplan, Robert. An Empire Wilderness. New York: Random House, 1998.


Mgr. Lucie Podroužková, Ph.D.


Michael George, M.A.