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Předmět Jazyková cvičení 1A - AJ (MSBK_AJC1)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


The main objective of the course is to develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills at the Pre-Intermediate Level. The basic study material is the coursebook New English File Pre-Intermediate supplemented by various additional materials. At the end of the course students are going to be able to a) discuss everyday topics; b) communicate in everyday situations; c) read and listen to authentic texts at the Pre-Intermediate Level.


The basic study material is the coursebook New English File PRE-INTERMEDIATE (Student's book and Workbook), see Literature bellow.The basic study material is the coursebook New English File PRE-INTERMEDIATE (Student's book and Workbook), see Literature bellow.1st lesson: 1A Who is who? + 1B Who knows you better?2nd lesson: 1C At the Moulin Rouge + 1D The Devil's Dictionary3rd lesson: 2A Right place, wrong time4th lesson: 2B A moment in time5th lesson: 2C Fifty years of pop + 2D One October evening6th lesson: 3A Where are you going?7th lesson: 3B The pessimist's phrase book + 3C I'll always love you8th lesson: 3D I was only dreaming + 4A From rags to riches9th lesson: 4B Family conflicts10th lesson: 4C Faster, faster! + 4D The world's friendliest city11th lesson: 5A Are you a party animal? + 5B What makes you feel good?12th lesson: 5C How much can you learn in a month?13th lesson: 5D The name of the game14th lesson: Written test


Essential Grammar in UseNew English File Pre-Intermediate


Pre-Intermediate knowledge of English - A2 (European Framework of Reference)


Mgr. Gabriela Oaklandová


Mgr. Bc. Šárka Dohnalová