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Předmět The History of Education and the Introduction into Education (SZ1000a)

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The subject is divided to two parts. Entry to the educational problems and History of education.The subject gives the student the entrance to the extensive problems of the pedagogic theory. Students are ought to undrstand textures, content and nomenclature of pedagogy and its disciplines and to understand them so, they could use them in another subjects (e.g . theory and philosophy upbringing). The subject underlies for others theoretic and practical study of pedagogy.Purposes subject is give to student theoretic base, to were able to: - comprehend personage-social conditionality upbringing and education - know most considerable representative world's and Czech pedagogy, their works and pedagogic views - equate to individual pedagogic views and allowance educational conception in definite historical epoch and extant and affect their contribution for contemporary time and future development.At the end of the course the student will be able to:- understand the basic terminology of the subject- explain the relationships and connections between particular aspects of the subject- use the information acquired in the subject to expand one’s own perspective of the issues studied- create a database of basic technical terms and their mutual relationships- present points of view well-argued on the basis of newly acquired knowledge


Pedagogy as a scientific discipline. Subject of pedagogy (upbringing). The structure of pedagogy (system of the pedagogic disciplines). The relevancy of pedagogy for a society (theoretic and practical). Upbringing, conception of upbringing (significant community service, development of basic qualities of the personality, the preparation of individuals for the social roles, the development in a cultural regions - components of upbringing). The municipal line of upbringing.The periods of upbringing. Possibilities and limits of upbringing. The basic pedagogic categories (goals, content, forms, means, conditions, agents, principles, upbringing, school instruction, teaching).1. History of pedagogic thinking. Subject of pedagogy history.Beginning of pedagogic thinking in old Greece and Rome culture.Antique thinkers (Sokrates, Platon, Aristoteles, Quintilianus).2. Upbringing and school in medieval times. Scholastic. Tomas Akvinsky.3. Renaissance pedagogy (More, Rabelais, da Feltre, Montaigne) Reformation and anti-reformation pedagogy.4. J.A. Komenský pedagogic legacy (life, work and pedagogic system).5. Pedagogic thinking development in 17.-19. century - Locke,Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Herbart, Fröbel, Diesterweg, Ušinskij,Tolstoj, Bosco, Spencer, Dewey et al..6. Czech education and pedagogy development (Ryba, Amerling, Filcík,Svoboda, Lindner, Masaryk, Kádner, Chlup, Příhoda et al..)7. Foreign pedagogic reformism. Democratic tradition of CzechSchool.8. Main streams of pedagogy in 20. century - experimental,existentialist, neotomistical, anti-authoritative, Soviet,post modernistic pedagogy.9. Foreign pedagogic systems and Czech progressive tradition as inspiration for modern Czech School: waldorf, montessory, frainet, dalton school, project Starttogether, Health school et al.. Alternative schools and their development in our country.


doporučená literaturaŠIMONÍK, Oldřich , Marie VÍTKOVÁ , Evžen ŘEHULKA , Marie HAVELKOVÁ , Hana HORKÁ , Jiří STRACH , Erika VONKOVÁ , Bohumíra ŠMAHELOVÁ a Jarmila SVOBODOVÁ . Pregraduate Teacher Training 1. 1st ed. Brno: Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, 2008. 226 s. Pedagogical Theory, Essay Selection 1. ISBN 978-80-7392-057-9. info


doc. PhDr. Stanislav Střelec, CSc.


Mgr. Jarmila BradováMgr. Radek Pospíšildoc. PhDr. Stanislav Střelec, CSc.