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Předmět Hydrobiologie (Bi6360)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu Bi6360 - Hydrobiologie, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Masarykova univerzita (MU).

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Další informace


Základní kurz ekologie vodních ekosystémů - podzemní vody, prameny, tekoucí vody a stojaté vody.


Definitions of limnology: facets of limno-geology, physics, chemistry, biology, historical and personal faces. The freshwater biota and aquatic habitats: ecological adaptations of plants and animals to miscellaneous water quality, the inhabitants of standing and running waters - plankton, benthos, periphyton, neuston, psammon, nekton. Light and heat energy in aquatic ecosystem, density layering and pH. Oxygen and other dissolved gases. Redox, metals, nutrients and organic substances. Ecosystems, energy, and production. Standing waters: Lakes, pools, peat bogs, man-made lakes. Shapes and size of 'lakes', lakes classification. Running waters: Water flow and stream channels. Physical and chemical characteristics of flowing waters, river continuum concept. Composition and structure of benthic and rheopelagic organisms(attached algae, higher plants, plankton, fishes). Factors controlling benthic organisms. Life histories and seasonal cycles of benthic organisms. Effect of downstream movements of organisms(drift). Mueler's theory of colonizatiton cycle. Longitudinal zonation. Use and misuse of inland waters - pollution, effects of man on watercourses. Effect of low discharges on the river biota.


Jacob Kalff: Limnology. Inland Water Ecosystems. Prentice Hall, New Jersey 2002LAMPERT, Wilfried a Ulrich SOMMER. Limnoecology :the ecology of lakes and streams. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. xiv, 382 s. ISBN 0-19-509592-8. infoALLAN, David J. Stream ecology : structure and function of running waters. 1st ed. London: Chapman & Hall, 1995. 388 s. ISBN 0-412-35530-2. infoWETZEL, Robert G. Limnology :lake and river ecosystems. 3rd ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 2001. xvi, 1006. ISBN 0-12-744760-1. infoLELLÁK, Jan a František KUBÍČEK. Hydrobiologie. 1. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 1992. 257 s. ISBN 80-7066-530-0. infoBEGON, Michael, John L. HARPER a Colin R. TOWNSEND. Ekologie :jedinci, populace a společenstva. Translated by Bronislava Grygová. 1 vyd. Olomouc: Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého, 1997. xxiv, 949. ISBN 80-7067-695-7. infoHUTCHINSON, G. Evelyn a Yvette H. EDMONDSON. A treatise on limnology. Vol. IV, the zoobenthos. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993. 944 s. info




doc. RNDr. Jan Helešic, Ph.D.


Mgr. Jindřiška Bojková, Ph.D.doc. RNDr. Jan Helešic, Ph.D.