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Předmět Protein Preparation and Characterization III - Protein-Mediated Interaction (C8857)

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The main aim of the course is to discuss the role of protein-mediated interactions in the biology of the cell. Examples of protein-ligand, protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions and motifs responsible for such interactions will be presented in the context of their biological significance. The course will also include theory of individual methods used for study of protein-mediated interactions.


1) General concept DNA RNA PROTEIN; Proteins - their structure, assembly, and folding; Mad cow and other diseases; Domains and motifs; Predictions.2) Why and how do the proteins interact; Little bit of Math; Data mining; Protein localization (NLS), membrane transport , transport in cytosol etc.); Role of protein interactions (cell cycle, environment and hormone responses).3) Modification of protein interactions, their role and types (phosphorylation, Ubq, Sumo, glycosylation).4) DNA-protein interactions, types of interaction motifs, their roles (replication, transcription, repair), modification again5) Methods of study (microscopy, Y2H, FRET, in vitro /pull-down).6) Methods II (IP,CHIP, far western, EMSA, Biocore etc.).7) Single protein versus complex of proteins.8) Examples: DNA repair mechanisms, from single protein to multi-protein complexes.9) DNA repair II


MEYERS., Robert A. Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, 2nd Edition. 2004. ISBN 3-527-30545-9. infoBRANDEN, Carl a John TOOZE. Introduction to Protein Structure. 1991. ISBN 0-8153-0270-3. info


doc. Mgr. Lumír Krejčí, Ph.D.


doc. Mgr. Lumír Krejčí, Ph.D.