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Předmět Law of eFinance (MVV1368K)

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At the end of this course students will be able to execute the following activities:understand and explain basic principles of electronic finance;use the information on electronic banking and payment instruments and their regulation on both Czech Republic and communitary level;create analysis of main differences between electronic money and banking money accessed from distance;make reasonable rational decisions regarding taxes via electronic means, tranfers of book-form securities and electronic money;interpret differences between various kinds of information systems active inside financial market.


Introduction, Financial Instruments, Payment InstrumentsElectronic Banking, Banking Online, Money TransfersElectronic Money, Payment Cards, Online Payments, MicropaymentsInterbank Payment Systems, Clearing Systems, Virtual MoneyConsumer Dispute Resolution in Payment CardseInvestments, Securities Trades Settlement and Book-Entry FormeInsurance, ePensionsPublic Contracts Online and Online PaymentsFinancial Crime OnlineConsumer Identification in Financial Services, AML Measures OnlineElectronic Communication with Bodies of Public Finance AdministrationeTaxationClosing and assessment of course, current evolution in the area of eFinance


European Central Bank. Blue Book [Citated at 30th September 2009]. Accessible at: http://www.ecb.int/paym/market/blue/html/index.en.htmlKYNCL, Libor . Electronic Money in Current Legal Practice. In Dny práva 2008 Days of Law. 1. vydání. Brno: Tribun EU s.r.o., 2008. s. 190-197, 8 s. ISBN 978-80-210-4733-4. infoKVASNIČKA, Michal . Does electronic money increase the freedom of choice? In MendelNet 2000 Sborník příspěvků z konference studentů doktorského studia. 1. vyd. Brno: Konvoj, Brno 2000, 2000. s. 185-189. ISBN 80-7302-005-X. info


English at communication level. Basic knowledge of money and internet.


JUDr. Ing. Libor Kyncl, Ph.D.


JUDr. Michal JanovecJUDr. Ing. Libor Kyncl, Ph.D.JUDr. Danuše SpáčilováVlastislav Stavinoha