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Předmět The Future of Law in Digital Times (MVV145K)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

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At the end of the course students should be able to- understand and explain the interrelationships between law and the digital age;- work with information gathered from legal scholarship alongside various cultural representations relevant to it, such as films, documentaries, and fiction;- make decisions and deductions, based on the acquired knowledge, in regard to contemporaneous issues relevant to the practices of law in digital age.For example: Should Hi-Tech means for creating visibility (such as Computer Generated Evidence) be freely admitted in courts of law? Can virtual courts replace conventional courts? Do we still need the one-time legal performance? And most of all - Can law still represent justice? The course will improve the ability to address such issues, by enabling students to understand a multidisciplinary perspective, and interpret “law and” scholarship.


1. Law and…2. Law and Narrative in Digital Age3. Law and Judgment in Digital Age4. The Nature and Scope of Editorial Autonomy in digital age (following Captain R. v. Dayan-Orbach, Civil Appeal 751/10, 8 February 2012)5. Law, Technology and the dystopian imagination6. When a Robot can love - Blade Runner as a cautionary tale on lawAnd technology


See the Reading list in the Syllabus in the Study Materials


JUDr. Jiří Valdhans, Ph.D.


JUDr. Jiří Valdhans, Ph.D.