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Předmět Introduction to the Philosophy of Law (MVV147K)

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This course will consider from a philosophical standpoint the question “what is law?” Like many philosophical inquiries, this one asks us to explain something that seems almost obvious and commonplace. The goal of the course is to investigate more carefully what we mean when we refer to or obey the law. Students will focus on four major topic areas:1. What is law? Is it “natural” or something that is merely created by human beings?;2. Why are there different laws for different peoples and, given that each individual person within a country is different, why is there one law for everyone in that country?;3. What are the types of law?;4. In democratic countries, we tend to view the law as whatever has been adopted by duly-elected legislatures. But what entitles them to enact the law? And how and why are their enactments superior to a decision of a single wise ruler concerning what is best for his or her people?At the conclusion of the course, students will have studied and be more conversant in such topics as:– the relationship between law and justice;– the role of law in civil society;– the question of religious law;– the difference between civil and common law;– the problem posed by international law;


1. What Is Law?Reading: Plato, Minos2. What Is Law?Reading: Plato, Minos3. What Are The Types of Law?Reading: Aquinas, Treatise On Law4. Modern Law: The Natural Rights ModelReading: Hobbes, Leviathan5. Modern Law: The Civil ModelReading: Rousseau, Social Contract6. What Is Law?Review of the Readings


See the Reading list in the Teacher’s Information


JUDr. Jiří Valdhans, Ph.D.


JUDr. Jiří Valdhans, Ph.D.Mgr. Markéta Klusoňová