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Předmět European Immigration and Asylum Law (MVV98K)

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The aim of this course is to provide insight into the multilevel aspects of European immigration and asylum policy and law.Whilst national sovereignty in matters of immigration is still recognized in principle, both international (human rights) treaties and EU law have increasingly determined the development of policy and law in this field during the last two decades. The determination of who is entitled to enter and stay in the Member States of the European Union, the development of free movement between the Member States, the removal of persons from the territory of the Member States, and the accompanying measures of border control, reception and legal enforcement, have all been affected by this development.The course will address these issues, both with regard to EU nationals and their families and to third country nationals. This will include an analysis of the relevant provisions from EU law (EU citizenship, freedom of movement and the legal instruments adopted, since the Treaty of Amsterdam, in matters of migration and asylum for third country nationals) and from international law (Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees, European Convention on Human Rights, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families). The course will also focus on the institutional aspects like the role of the European Union and its impact on solidarity among Member States, and the role of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the EU.


1. The institutional framework of asylum and immigration policy in the European Union: jurisdiction under the TFEU; free movement, border control, migration and asylum; external relations; solidarity among Member States.2. Citizenship and free movement of EU citizens and their families.3. Voluntary migration: family reunification, migrant workers, long term residents.4. Involuntary migration: non-refoulement; asylum and subsidiary protection; temporary protection.5. Irregular migration: detention, return.


Recommended literature: P. Boeles, M. den Heijer, G. Lodder, K. Wouters, European Migration Law (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2009) - ISBN 978-90-5095-953-7 - Reader with relevant legislation and cases (will be available online)


MP215Zk Úvod do ev. a mezinar. práva || CM215Zk Úvod do ev. a mezinar. práva


JUDr. Jiří Valdhans, Ph.D.


Dirk VanheuleJUDr. Jiří Valdhans, Ph.D.