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Předmět Competition Policy and Competition Law (SOC009)

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Students will be able to understand basic structure and system of European competition law. They will be familiar with the substance of agreements distorting competition, with the abuse of dominant position and with legal regulation of mergers. Interrelations between European and national antitrust laws will be trained. Soft law will be included and principal case law, too. The students will be ready to discern basic situations potentially detrimental to competition and how to avoid them. They have to prove ability to write an analytical essay on competition law issue.


1. Antitrust law, its substance and impact2. Economics of competition and competition policy3. European Competition Policy4. Art. 101/1 of the TFEU5. Art 101/3 of the TFEU, block exemptions6. Horizontal and vertical agreements restraining competition7. Abuse of a dominant position - introduction, Art. 102 of the TFEU8. Abuse of dominant position - exclusionary abuses andexploitative abuses9. Mergers and acquisitions, introduction into the European controlof concentration between undertakings10. Assessment of mergers, substantive test, procedure11. Czech competition law and competition policy, Czech Act onprotection of economic competition12. Intersection antitrust law / intellectual property law. Hi-techand network industries and competition law. Globalization,liberalization and competition law.


Náhradní obsah: selected parts of: Bellamy/Child: European Community Law of Competition, Oxford 2012; Faull/Nikpay: The EC Law of Competition, Oxford 2014.Jones/Sufrin: EC Competition Law, Oxford 2004, 2nd Ed.DABBAH, Maher M. International and comparative competition law. 1st pub. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. xxxiv, 679. ISBN 9780521736244. info


Basic knowledge of legal theory and of the concepts of commercial and civil law. Knowledge of basic economic concepts is an advantage.


prof. JUDr. Josef Bejček, CSc.


prof. JUDr. Josef Bejček, CSc.