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Předmět Research in Application to Social Work (FSS / E4KAV)

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1st tutorialMethodological approach to research in soc. sciences, especially res. in SW.The tutorial is aimed at deepening the knowledge of basic res. approaches, or strategies. It seeks understanding of the principles distinguishing qualitative, quantitative and integrated res. and of the evaluation criteria of res. quality. The tutorial will outline specific aspects of res. in SW which will be given closer attention in further tutorials.Content: Drafting empirical res., its function, purpose. A plan or res. model, basic scheme: the research area, topic, general and specific research questions. Conceptual framework, the role of theory in res. Basic interpretive paradigms, description X explanation, theory verification X theory production, pre-structured research X evolving research. Relation of theory and empiricism in res., connecting a theoretical paradigm with res. strategies and strategies with res. methods. Validity and reliability.Tasks for students: Drafting a res. project for quanti, quali, or integrated res. approach. Elaborating a "paradigmatic matrix" aimed at solving students' own tasks. Demonstration at the tutorial, discussion.2nd tutorialQuanti research strategy in SW research, survey.The aim of the tutorial is to consolidate, deepen the existing knowledge or to acquire new knowledge of quanti research or meth. of mathematical statistics and their use in SW res. Emphasis is laid on understanding the logics of quanti res., the essence of statistical analysis, its possibilities and limits. The tutorial will also develop practical skills in data processing, analysis and interpretation of results.Content:Quanti res. as a linear research process. Data analysis, quantitative set description (first level sorting, nontrivial analyses). Quanti analysis of relationships (second and higher level sorting). Regression analysis, analysis of variance, factor analysis. Nontrivial interpretation of results. Selection surveys, the concept of selection surveys quality.Tasks for S: Examples of using the quanti res. approach (presentation). Elaborating an assigned statistical analysis.3rd tutorialQuali research strategy in SW research.The aim of the tutorial is to consolidate, deepen the existing knowledge or to acquire new knowledge about quali res. In the same way as in the previous tutorial, the focus will be primarily on understanding the logics of this type of res., its possibilities, limits and specifics of use in the field of SW. The tutorial seeks cultivation of students' skills in primary res. meth.Content:Quali res. as a way to understand the studied problems or population. Cyclical, "evolutionary" nature of the quali res. process. Role of theory, choice of effective strategies, congruence of meth. with the res. subject/topic, with the res. questions. The sample adequacy. Analytical induction model. Research conclusions, meth. of data summarization and presentation of results, depending on the topic and applied epistemology. Interaction of the researcher as a participant or observer - risks of distortion, ethical aspects.Tasks for S: Examples of using the quali res. approach or specific research meth. (presentation).4th tutorialQuali research - specific meth. and their use in SW res. Integrated res. in SW.The tutorial aims to improve the knowledge and skills related to specific meth. of quali res. used in the field of SW. By means of examples of particular empirical studies the essence of the meth. will be explained and procedures of data analysis will be demonstrated. The tutorial will also involve a discussion on the substance of mixed/ integrated res., the purpose of its use and presentation of different ways of designing.Content:Meth. of quali res.: Grounded theory. Ethnography. Participatory action research. Case study. Biographical/narrative method. Focus groups. Integrated paradigm in solved assignments.Tasks for S: Presentation of assignments solved using specific res. meth., a discussion.


Stringer, E. T. Action Research. London: Sage Publ., 1999. STRAUSS, A., CORBIN, J. M. Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. London: Sage, 1998. Denzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S. (eds.). Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials. London: Sage Publ, 1998. Ragin, Ch. C. Constructing Social Research: The Unity and Diversity of Method. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1994. Ragin, Ch. C. Constructing Social Research: The Unity and Diversity of Method. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 1994. Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. London: Sage Publ., 2007. Creswell, J. W., Plano Clark, V. L. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. London: Sage Publ., 2007. PUNCH, K. F. Developing Effective Research Proposals. London: Sage, 2005. Hammersley, M., Atkinson, P. Ethnography: Principles in Practice. London, New York: Routledge, 2007. STEWART, D.W., SHAMDASANI, P. N., ROOK, D. W. Focus Groups. Theory and Practice. London: Sage, 2007. Punch, K. F. Introduction to Social Research. London: Sage Publ, 2005. MARTIN, P., BATESON, P. Measuring Behavior: An Introductory Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Riessman, Kohler, C. Narrative Methods for the Human Sciences. London: Sage Publ., 2008. Bryman, A., Frazer, D. Quantitative Data Analysis for Social Scientists. London: Routledge, 1992. Creswell, J.W. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. London: Sage Publ, 2003. Rubin, A., Babbie, E. R. Research Methods for Social Work. London: Thomson Learning, 2005. Stake, R. E. The Art of Case Study Research. London: SAGE Publ., 1995. Gubrium, J. F., Holstein, J. A. The New Language of Qualitative Method. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. Field, A. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS. London: Sage Publ, 2009. SILVERMAN, D. Doing Qualitative Research. London: Sage, 2010. Clarke, A., Dawson, R. Evaluation Research. An Introduction to Principles, Methods, and Practice. London: Sage Publ., 1999. WINTER, R., MUNN-Giddings, C. Handbook for Action Research in Health and Social Care. London: Routledge, 2001. Denzin, N. K., Lincoln, Y. S. (eds.). Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage, 1994. Robinson, D., Horrocks, Ch., Kelly, N., Roberts, B. (eds.). Narrative, Memory and Identity. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield PresS, 2004. Granosik, M., Gulczyńska, A., Marynowicz-Hetka, E. Participative Approaches in Social Work Research. Łódź: Łódź University Press, 2010. Bauer, M. W., Gaskell, G. Qualitative Researching with Text, Image and Sound. London: Sage Publ., 2000. Saludadez, J. A., Garcia, P. G. Seeing Our Quantitative Counterparts: Construction of Qualitative Research in a Roundtable Discussion. Forum: Qualitative Social Research 2 (2001), 1, Art. 12. . Statistical software corresponding to software systems used by Ph.D. DE VAUS, D. A. Survey in Social Research. Undin Hyman: London, 1990. Plano Clark, V. L., Creswell, J. W. The Mixed Methods Reader. London: Sage Publ., 2008. Babbie, E. The Practice of Social Research. London: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2001. Ambert, A.-M., Adler, P. A., Adler, P., Detzner, D. F. Understanding and Evaluating Qualitative Research.


The requirements are listed with the individual tutorials. (Obligatory active participation in the ERIS International Spring School of Social Work, methodological block of the Spring School and research/methodological afternoons is part of the requirements determined for awarding credit for the dissertation tutorial.)


doc. PhDr. Dana Sýkorová, Ph.D.


doc. PhDr. Dana Sýkorová, Ph.D.