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Předmět Methodology of the Soc. Sc. and Soc. W. (FSS / ESPDS)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu FSS / ESPDS - Methodology of the Soc. Sc. and Soc. W., Fakulta sociálních studií, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě (OU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Survey of topics:1. seminar:Scientific knowledge, contemporary concepts:Science, its origin, paradigms and tendencies of modern science(s). Historical perspective. Epistemology, language of science. Empirical grounds, logical grounds of scientific theories building up - axiomatic-deductive, hypothetical deductive and inductive methods (deductive versus inductive reasoning). Verification, falsification, hypothesis testing. "Pure" science, applied science. Normative and non-normative theories. Nomological explanation and interpretation.2. seminarIntroduction into scientific methodology:Basic concepts: methodology of science, method and research steps. Choice of methodology and setting up research aims. Research, its design. Inquiry paradigms. Choice of scientific procedures and methods. Qualitative and quantitative strategies in social research. Law and rule in social science. Observation, measuring, experiment, modelling, analogy, explanation and prediction. Scientific explanation in the form of deductive inference, based on scientific law, in the form of subsumption. Kinds of explanations within relationships between explanandum and explanans (probabilistic and non-probabilistic kinds of explanations). Prediction and determinism problem. Narrative approach, narration versus explanation.3. seminarMethodology of knowledge about human and society:Basic paradigms and methodological approaches of anthropological reflections within philosophy and science (possible clashes and heuristic advantages). Basic paradigms and methodological approaches of sociological reflections (possible clashes and heuristic advantages). Objectivity, universalism, pluralism, truth and legitimity in the social science.4. seminarApplications of methodology of social sciences (their options and limits) into social work:Methodology and the subjekt of social work. Special methods of social work. Theory in social work and creation of hypothesis. Choice of research methods. Limits of general and specific applications. Research project, its design.

Získané způsobilosti

Student gains new knowledge, skills and competences in research metodology and techniques used in social science. By the analysis and comparision of particular issues and approaches s/he trains argumentation and interpretation skills developer in seminar discussions. Based on text analysis, critical thinking method, self-reflection and synthesis of gained knowledge s/he elaborates textual research tasks that are presented at seminars.


Feyerabend, P. K. Against method. 4th ed. London: Verso, 2010. Strauss, A., Corbin, J. Basics of qualitative research: grounded theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990. Fay, B. Contemporary Philosophy of social sciences: a multicultural approach. Malden Mass /u.a./. Blackwell, 2003. Giddens, A. New Rules of Sociological Method. A Positive Critique of Interpretative Sociologies. London: Hutchinson, 1976. Strabin, A., Babbie, E. Research Methods for Social Work. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1989. Popper, K.R. The logic of scientific discovery. London /u.a./: Routledge, 1992. Haseman, P., Adams, A. Reflecting Well on Social Work Practice: Professional Competence, Reflecting and Research. Educational Action Research 6. 1998. Reid, W. L. Research on Task-centered Practice. Social Work Research 21, 3: 132-137. 1997. Kuhn, T.S. Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 4th edition. Chicago. London: The University of Chicago Press, 2012. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (eds. Denzin, N., Lincoln, Y.S.). London: Sage Publications, 2005. The SAGE Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences. (ed. Kaplan, D.W.). London: Sage Publications, 2004. Feyrabend, P.K. The tyranny of science. (edited and with an introduction by Eric Oberheim). Cambridge: Polity Press, 2011. Popper, K. R. Truth, rationality, and the growth of scientific knowledge. Frankfurt , Main: Klostermann, 1979.


Compulsory outcomes:1. 2 summaries of compulsory and 1 summary of recommended books from the list of bibliography (proportion 1:10);2. 1 review of book form the list of compulsory bibliography (til 6 pages);3. 1 essay applying student's knowledge of recommended literature (approx. 15-20 p.);4. 1 article (til 15 pages).Text requirements - APA style.Deadline for texts - month before exam.


doc. PhDr. Jelena Petrucijová, CSc.