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Předmět Identity in context of globalisation (KAS / AIGLO)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu KAS / AIGLO - Identity in context of globalisation, Fakulta sociálních studií, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě (OU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Topics of lectures:1. Human as biological or/and social phenomenon. Human identity. Different conceptions and approaches.2. Human identity as a social and cultural phenomenon. Status, role.3. Gender identity in multicultural perspective.4. Identity and language. Meanings, symbols and cultural relativism.The pitfalls of intercultural communication.5. Culture. Different conceptions and approaches.6. Cultural changes. Acculturation. The forms of cultural contacts.7. Multiculturalism, its traits and impacts. Types of multicultural societies, their social politics - comparison. Criticism of multiculturalism.8. Globalization, its traits and impacts.9. The clash of civilizations. The theory of conflicts, ethno-cultural conflicts. Violence as a biological, psychological, social and cultural problem.10. Ethnocentrism, nationalism, racism. Discrimination, its forms.11. Multicultural societies and educational approaches: intracultural, multicultural and intercultural.12. Forms of comprehension and acceptance of other culture.Tolerance and its forms.A list of accessible literature and study materials will be available for students at the beginning of the course.Note: Study texts can be accessed by students via the University of Ostrava's internal portal, which requires a student user name and password.


BAUMAN, Z. Globalization : the human consequences. New York [u.a.] : Columbia University Press, 2001. AVINERI, Sh., WEIDENFELD, W. (eds.). Integration and identity. Challengesto Europe and Israel. Europa Union Verlag. HALL, S., du GAY, P. (eds). Questions of Cultural identity. London: Thausand Oaks, 1996. JENKINS, R. Social Identity. London and New York: Routledge, 1996. PETRUCIJOVÁ, J. Intercultural Education in the time of cultural variety. Ostrava: OU, 2008. www.training-youth.netWOODWARD, K. Questioning identity: gender, Class, nation. London and New York: Routledge and Open University, 2000. The ethnicity reader. Nationalism,Multiculturalism and Migration. Cambrige: Polity Press, 1997.


Active participation in seminars and discussions on individual topics, a seminar paper concentrating on a chosen topic connected with the content of the seminars.


doc. PhDr. Jelena Petrucijová, CSc.


doc. PhDr. Jelena Petrucijová, CSc.doc. PhDr. Jelena Petrucijová, CSc.