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Předmět Pedagogy for Pre-primary Education 1 (KPA / E-PE1)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu KPA / E-PE1 - Pedagogy for Pre-primary Education 1, Pedagogická fakulta, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě (OU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


1. Pedagogy as a science. The subject of pedagogy. Structure of pedagogy.2. Benefits of pedagogical Science.3. Other sciences involved in education. The aim of pedagogy in relation to society. Why is pedagogy important for society? Sources of pedagogy.4. What is a pedagogical problem? Examples.5. What is a portfolio? Types of portfolio. Process of construction and creation of a portfolio. What are characteristics of a portfolio?6. The child and education. The child in the history of society. What do we mean by 'child'? Tasks of a pedagogue.7. What is childhood? Childhood and institutional education. Characteristics of childhood: periods of change in the development of a child, specification of the child's experience.8. Other characteristics of childhood: endangerment of childhood, forming expectations, creative construing, development tasks.9. What is the overall model of education?10. The approach of a teacher to a child/pupil and the consequent creation of an image of the child.11. Brief characterization of levels in self-conception: level of perceiving oneself as a personality in the role and activity of teacher, level of perceiving children/pupils in the role and activity of teacher.12. Brief characterization of levels in self-conception: level of perceiving oneself in the role and activity of teacher, level of recognizing oneself as a personality in the role and activity of teacher.13. Brief characterization of levels in self-conception: level of decision-making in the role and activity of teacher, various levels of identification with the ideal of a teacher's mission at the given level.All students must arrive and choose one of your essays and you will read your essay to Czech students. Date to be specified.

Získané způsobilosti

Student will get basic knowledge at the branch. Student orients in basic concepts, he knows, understands to talked over problems relating to child and teacher and it can reflect by adequate way. Student reflects own experience with upbringing, process of education and learning of, he names conveniently and formulates it adequate way.


MATĚJČEK, Z. Co děti nejvíc potřebují. Praha : Portál, 2003. ISBN 80-7178-853-8.BURKOVIČOVÁ, R. Introduction to Issues Regarding the Science of Education. Ostrava : PdF, 2008, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7368-618-5.KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Pedagogika I. Ostrava : PF OV, 1991. KOLEKTIV AUTORŮ. Pedagogika III. Ostrava : PedF. BRUCEOVÁ, T. Předškolní výchova. Praha : Portál, 1996. ISBN 80-7178-068-5.MATĚJČEK, Z. Rodiče a děti. Praha : Avicenum, 1986. JŮVA, V. Základy pedagogiky. Brno : Paido, 1997. ISBN 80-85931-39-7.


Requirements for process and finishing:1. Full participation in seminars (10 points). 2. Examination combined : : Test of knowledge.: Essays : Prepare a written essay on the theme:1. My image of a child in relation to education (20 points)2. What place has the selection of pedagogical study in your own life? Why and when has it originated? What do you expect from the profession of teacher?(20 points)Presenting of selected essays to other students (20 points). All students must arrive, choose one of your essays and you will read your essay to Czech students (20 points). Engaging in discussions with Czech students (10 points).Date to be specified.Points Evaluation91 - 100 A81 - 90 B71-80 C61-70 D51- 60 E0 - 50 F, FX


doc. PaedDr. Radmila Burkovičová, Ph.D.