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Předmět Philosophy of education (KPD / E-PHA)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu KPD / E-PHA - Philosophy of education, Pedagogická fakulta, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě (OU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Course description:Topics:1. Philosophy, its subject and conception, main philosophical streams of thought from the historical and contemporary point of view.2. Postmodernism and modernism and their definition. R. Descartes, his influence and his importance for philosophy and development of the science.3. Contemporary world and its characterization from the philosophical point of view: "Prometheus fall", "global villages", victims of God Moloch, circumambulation.4. Paradigms and their influence and conception. Famous persons from the history of philosophy and point of view of paradigms.5. Anthropological-philosophical conception of a man (animal rationale, imago Dei, res cogitans and conception according to A. Gehlen, A. Kostler, M. Scheler, P. T. de Chardin, E. Coreth etc. Man as an imperfect being and as noble transcendence.6. Dilemma of education - E. Fink. Dilemma of education in contemporary post-industrial world.7. Human triple - body, soul, spirit, their conception from the historical and contemporary point of view. Education as a care of soul.8. Greek, Slavonic and Hebrew conception of body and soul.9. J. A. Komenský and his conception: man and world (scire, velle, posse).10. Child, childhood and secret of myths and fairy tales, secret of spoken word. Jung's child conception.11. Conception of a child (human being as loving, future memories and sadness etc.).12. An appetite for life: P. T. de Chardin - man typology based on appetite for life (tired pessimists etc.).13. Home, family, safety and certainty. Some theories (Bowlby, Ainsworth) of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of basic human physical and psychical needs. Identity and individualism (Z. Matějček, A. Maslow, C. G. Jung, E. Fromm, E. Erikson etc.).14. Child's needs according to J. Prokop.15. Love and its conception, differences between these conceptions. Love, sympathy and education.

Získané způsobilosti



WAIN, K. Philosophy of Lifelong Education. London, 1987. LEVINAS, E. Etika a nekonečno. Praha : Oikúmené, 1994. RICOUER, P. Le fragile l´Identite. Praha, 2001. DERRIDA, J. Margins of Philosophy. Brighton, Harvester Press : University of Chicago Press, 1982. ROSENBERG, A. Philosophy of Science. A Contemporary Introduction. New York - London, 2005. RUTHERFORD, D. (Ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 2007. ISBN 10 0-521-52962-x.


Examination method: Written test. Registration for examination: Written.


Mgr. Miriam Prokešová, Ph.D.


Mgr. Miriam Prokešová, Ph.D.