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3. Maturitní téma - United Kingdom

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Official name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Capital city: London

Geographic position: UK is situated in the northwestern Europe. It is an island and it lies in the Atlantic Ocean.

Area: UK occupies the area of 250 000 sq. km.

Subdivision: UK is subdivided into 4 countries:

  • England -> London

  • Scotland -> Edinburgh

  • Wales -> Cardiff

  • Northern Ireland -> Bellfash

Population: UK has 60 million inhabitants. There are many imigrants, like people from Pakistan, Honkong, Africa, Banglades and Caribbean region.


  • flag - The flag is consist of 3 crosses: 2 red and blue. The red colour symbolizes Kingdom of England
    and it´s a cross of st. Patric, the blue colour symbolizes Kingdom of Scotland and it´s a cross of st. Ondřej.

  • anthem - God Save the Queen/King

  • currency - pound

  • political system

  • other...

Political system:

  • = constitutional monarchy

  • monarch (king/queen)

    • now it´s Elizabeth II.

    • representative and ceremonial role

    • chief commander of the army

    • head of the Anglican Church and the Commonwealth

    • he/she inherits the title

  • government

    • head of the government is the Prime minister, now it´s David Cameron

  • parliament - is subdivided into 2 chambers

    • House of Lords

      • representative of the church

      • they inherit the seat

      • peers

    • House of Commons

      • they are elected by British people for 4 years

  • political parties

    • the Conservative party

    • the Labour party

    • the Liberals


  • Anglican Church

  • Northern Ireland - catholic

  • Because Britain is a cosmopolitan multiculture country, there is other religions, specialy: islam

International organization: Britain is a member of many organization, it´s for instance: NATO, UN, Commonvwealth, WTO, G8, EU...

Economy, industries and agriculture:

  • production of iron and steel

  • shipbuilding and heavy engineering

  • mineral resources: coal, oil and natural gas

  • clothes, electronics, food and chemical industries


  • west coast - high rainfall (due to winds blowing from the ocean)

  • east coast - unlike the west coast is drier

Places of interest:

  • Liverpool

    • It is one of the largest cities in England, founded in the 12th century. It is an important seaport. Liverpool is the city of famous group The Beatles and horse racing - Steplechase.

  • Edinburgh

    • It is the capital of Scotland and the industrial and cultural center in which is annually held festival
      of music and drama. The oldest building is a castle built in the 12th century. The castle is linked
      from the Royal Mile to the Palace of Holyroodhouse. It's official Scottish residence of the British monarch. Other symbols of Edinburgh are: St. Gila Princes Street and the famous monument dedicated to Sir Walter Scott, who was born there.

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