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- it is everything creative – arts, music, painting, literature

- Consists of the standards that appear in society. These standards change with the passage of time.

- Each society has their culture, influenced by the conditions of life (natural conditions, religion, values ​​(= hodnoty)…)


  • The building where werw new films project and many people are watching them for a admission (vstupné) on big screen

  • Some cinemas have 3D, 4D or 5D technology – when it pulls you in film and it is like a reality. You use all of your senses

  • Sometimes it´s good to go out and have fun with friends, because of the technologies it is someting really unique, but on the other hand it is paid and you can not to stop the movie and take a break as you can do at home.


  • About tickets you can: book tickets in advance – you reserved your ticket

    • Come to theatre and buy it

    • Attend season ticken – you buy a ticket that allows you to visit more than one show

  • You need to wear formal clothes

  • Kinds of theatre performance: comedy, tragedy, opera, musical, ballet, etc

  • In our country the most important theatres are National theatre, State opera, ABCD theatre

  • Famous author: Oscar Wilde, who influenced domestic English drama and revitalised it.

    • William Shakespear – he is the most popular author in the UK. The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre was opened in Shakespeare's birthplace Stratford.


  • Classical music - British Baroque music was heavily influenced by continental fashions.

  • Popular music – in Britain is popularband music. Popular music in the modern sense began to emerge in the 1950s, as the American styles of jazz and rock and roll became popular. Genres such as beat and British blues were re-exported to America by bands such as the Beatles and Rolling Stones. These days is very popular Adele.


  • Art piseces are showed on exhibitions

  • Museums – there are showed the most popular and unique pieces

Personal preferences

  • I don´t prefer any kind of music because I like all music. When I was young, I listened to rock band as Kabát with my dad, because he loves it. With my mam I listened to 80s or 90s pop music for example Michal David or Lucie Vondráčková. Now I listen to music what I like but if I have to say my favourite – it would probably be band like Lucie, Mandrage or Chinaski, and from the foreign band it is Chainsmokers.

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