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Dialects of english

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- lingua franca = the dominant language in business, diplomacy

- British and American division

- localized dialect

American differences:

- pronunciation – tomatoes, vase, vitamins, laboratory

- spelling

- vocabulary

- vowel sound – British longer sound (z krku)

- word stress

- last syllable miss out – British – laboratory

- centre/center

- realize/realise


- Webster – 1st American dictionary – chtěl aby se odlišoval od britského

- puritans x people in villages

- accent changes

- ,,frozen in time”, took nothing from native American languages

X Britain entitlement - new words from other languages

- Shakespeare English = American, anglická se vyvíjela, americká zamrzla a je zastaralá

- national identity

- 19th century – population massively increased – place of new beginning

- melting pot – Germans, Russians, Italians

- immigrants wanted to speak better English

- ranch, lasso, cactus – Spanish word – farming – west – expansion → new words

- salon = hotel, poker - bluff

- Boston tea party 1775 – guys dressed as native Americans – sense od identity, culture

- GB was built on money from colonies

- political protest against British empire – colonists dumped tea into harbor

- Mark Twain – Huckleberry Finn


- different because of national identity – independence

- very few words Americans picked from Indians X british English evolves more (přebírání slov)

- zebra

- accents: Standard North American English

- immigration background

- class is less important, region and race are more important

,,life just be that way I guess” – Afro-American English

- slaves – couldn’t speak their language, because then they could rebel against slavers – language disappeared

- they developed own way of speaking

- double negatives - ,,we don’t need no education”

- dialects often relate to race

- similarity of slangs, dialect, grammar forms, missing prepositions

- jewish immigrant background

- pigeon English – mixing of cultures, business, Chinese


- everything is about social class – the way you speak, what is your name, the school you go to..

- BBC – most common accent, = Queens English

- Cockney – sound of ,,bow bells”, similar to Essex accent

- long strong A

-,,Landon” ,,batter”

- rhyming slang – came from London – port – slavery – black market – slang

- street guys didn’t want policemen to understand

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