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Předmět On medieval communication - an multilate (FPF / VA010)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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1. Seminar: The difference between the modern and medieval perception of communication - a general approach.2. Seminar: The oral and the written - definitions like non-written communication, the oral or its non-verbal forms.3. Seminar: The ritual and symbol as means of communication: Gert Althoff's perception of "Kommunikation" in his studies of "political" and "symbolic" communication.4. Seminar: The forming of an theoretical concept I.: Influences from linguistics, psychology an anthropology.5. Seminar: The forming of an theoretical concept II.: Mathematical and technical perceptions of communication (source/sender - medium/messenger - destination/receiver).6. Seminar: Beyond a rigid scheme - the medieval approach to communication: Who is represented by the sender? Which is the sender's sex? Which is the sender's age? Which forms of communication can be distinguished? What is the subject of the message? Who is represented by the "receiver"? Which is the receiver's sex? Which is the receiver's age?7. Seminar: The main carrier groups of medieval communication: laymen and clerics.8. Seminar: The functions of communication in written examples - from literary sources up to "pragmatische Schriftlichkeit" (functional literacy: books, documents, iconografical and verbal "texts"),9. Seminar: The communicative value of non-verbal communication - Objects, pictures, sounds, smells or gestures. Visiting the world of semantics.10. Seminar: The messenger is the message - transmission techniques and transmitters.11. Seminar: Medieval communication - quo vadis? New approaches to a commonly known subject.12. Seminar: Final Discussion.


" Participate in 80 % of lessons at least. " The subject is completed with a written test, and possibly also a supplementary oral exam." To understand and unveil the usage of certain terminological perceptions (especially the difference between the use of "communications" an "Kommunikation" in Anglo-Saxon an German research) and the width of its evidence in the contemporary sources. " Active oral participation in classes, a dedicated, individual acquaintance to the subject in written assignments." Preparation of an oral presentation (ca. 30-50 min.) during the seminar or an critical essay on an freely chosen subject.


Dr. Klara HÜBNER


Dr. Klara HÜBNER