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Předmět Personal Develop. Skills for Mobilities (CVA / BKPDS)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu CVA / BKPDS - Personal Develop. Skills for Mobilities, Obchodně-podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, Slezská univerzita v Opavě (SU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


I Socio-Cultural Knowledge1 Language and social interaction2 Culture values and theory of cultures3 Adaptation to target culture4 Stereotypes, prejudice and discriminationII Placement and career plan5 Recruitment process6 Intercultural team management7 International negotiating8 Public speakingIII Marketing yourself - creating a portfolio of documents9 CV, a letter of application and a covering letter10 A videotaped presentation in front of the class with the following analysis11 Working with self-evaluating documents and questionnaires12 Creating an own case study and presenting it to the class13 Revisionad 1) Lingua Franca, Politeness theory, Pragmaticsad 2) Division of cultures, Hofstede´s research, Trompenaar´s dimensionsad 3) Acculturation, acculturation models, Culture shock, Overcoming culture shockad 4) Reasons for creating stereotypes, Prejudice in Europe, Discrimination in history and nowadaysad 5) Preparation for a job interview, Coping with confusing questions, Documents connected with recruitmentad 6) Specifics of working in a multicultural team, International business styles, Barriers to doing business internationallyad 7) Steps in the process of negotiating, Culture specifics, Gift givingad 8) Preparing a presentation, Content and structure, Delivery of a presentationad 9) Characteristics of the written style, Basic rules of formal writing, Appropriate language structuresad 10) Video-recording of presentations, Their analysis, Recommendation of improvementsad 11) Filling in questionnaires, Their evaluating, Comparing with other studentsad 12) Creating of a case study, Elaborating the text, Presenting it to other studentsad 13) Revising the most important items, Evaluating the course - a questionnaire, Evaluating the performance of students and teachers

Získané způsobilosti

The students will acquire linguistic, communicative, socio-cultural and intercultural skills as a preparation for student´s and professional mobilities during which students can face misunderstandings, conflicts, problems with adaptation to target cultures and various stereotypes and prejudice. The students will be able to use their skills on their future job positions in public sector institutions and in social work. They will be able to prepare a portfolio comprising documents and questionnaires related to the recruitment procedure including self-reflection evaluation.


HEINZOVÁ, K. Personal Development Skills. Karviná: OPF, SU, 2011. BORSHEY, J., SWAN, R. Crossing Cultures. 2007. ISBN 9788853609755.GIBSON, R. Intercultural Business Communication. Spain: OUP, 2002. ISBN 0194421805.VYMĚTAL, J. Průvodce úspěšnou komunikací: efektivní komunikace v praxi. Praha, 2008. ISBN 978-80-247-2614-4.


Creating a portfolio and a credit test.


PhDr. Krystyna HEINZ


PhDr. Krystyna HEINZ