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Předmět Labour Market and Employment Policy (EVS / BALME)

Na serveru studentino.cz naleznete nejrůznější studijní materiály: zápisky z přednášek nebo cvičení, vzorové testy, seminární práce, domácí úkoly a další z předmětu EVS / BALME - Labour Market and Employment Policy, Obchodně-podnikatelská fakulta v Karviné, Slezská univerzita v Opavě (SU).

Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

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Další informace


1. Labour market in the perfect competitionMicroeconomic context of labour market- company's labour demand and its curve derivation, factors which influence labour demand, labour supply- its explanation and derivation, substitution effect and income effect of labour supply, equilibrium and disequilibrium in labour market2. Human capital investmentsConcept of human capital. Factors which influence individuals decision making about further education- education costs and benefits. Fundamentals of theory of investments into human capital, the elementary model of investments into education. Human capital investments and the company.3. Wage differences in the labour marketExplanation of the wage differences existence in the labour market- compensatory wage differences, labour force uniqueness in the labour market, differences due to different qualification, the theory of the non-competing groups, dual labour market theory.4. Discrimination in the labour marketDefinition of discrimination in the labour market, shows and causes of discrimination. Possibilities of fighting against discrimination, the effectiveness of antidiscrimination measures.5. Monopsony and labour unionsMonopsony in the labour market- definition and derivation of its behavior, the monopsony profit and community loss from the insufficient source allocation. The role and goals of labour unions, labour unions strategy of increasing wages. Bilateral monopoly in the labour market.6. Wage creation in market economiesExplanation of mechanisms, which form wages in the companies. Effective wages theory explanation. The essence and goal of wage floors in the economies.7. UnemploymentMacroeconomic context of the labour market- factors which influence unemployment in the labour market, definition of unemployed people, measuring unemployment, types of unemployment, causes of unemployment and its solving in economic theories, the natural rate of unemployment.8. Unemployment as a social problemUnemployment effects on individual, factors which determine people's reactions on unemployment. Dynamics of passing unemployment. Life strategies of unemployed in time horizon.9. Labour market policyLabour market policy- definition, actors, goals and measures of labour market policy. Passive and active labour market policy, basic characteristic of labour market programs. Evaluation of effectiveness of labour market policy programs. Labour market policy within the European Union- labour market in EU, pillars of labour market policy in EU, labour market policy directions, national action employment plans of EU countries.10. Labour market development in the Czech RepublicLabour market by the year 1997. Labour market between 1997 and1998. Factors, which influence the situation in the labour market. Wage development and differentiation. The current situation in the labour market in the Czech Republic.11. Labour market policy in the Czech RepublicObjects and subject of Czech labour market policy. Right to employment and labour market policy implementation in CR. National action plans of employment. Passive and active labour market programs in the Czech Republic.12. The system of employment services in the Czech RepublicInstitutional provision of employment services. Employment intervention in the Czech Republic- public and private job agencies.13. International personal turnoverExplanation of international labour migration, theoretical causes of labour migration. Classification of migration, identification of main migration territories.

Získané způsobilosti

The students will acquire knowledge in the area of the main aspects of the labour market as a one of the production factors markets bringing out the issues of the labour supply and demand, wage differences, labour unions and state interventions in the labour market. They will be able to discuss unemployment, which is an important microeconomic and macroeconomic problem.


BECKER, G. S. The Economic Approach to Human Behavior. Chicago, London: University of Chicago Press, 1996. ISBN 0226041123.


The precondition for achievement of credit shall be the compulsory attendance to seminars within the scope of 70% and succesful completion of the current test and seminary work during lectures.


Doc. Mgr. Ing. Michal TVRDOŇ, Ph.D.


Doc. Mgr. Ing. Michal TVRDOŇ, Ph.D.