Předmět Analysis of Political Parties (KP / ANAP)
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Získané způsobilosti
The objective of the course ?Analysis of Political Parties? is to focus on the vital elements of political parties, such as funding, candidate selection, organizational structure, membership, position in society, etc. The course provides the theoretical principles of analysis as well as the concrete examples from the European, American and African political parties.
Each student is supposed to pass three steps of evaluation:(1) First step is to write an article about one of the lectures? topics listed below. The article should: (i) apply a theme from the selected topic to an existing political party (or parties), (ii) describe its real or anticipated consequences and (iii) compare them with the tendencies or hypothesis mentioned in the relevant reading(s). The article?s volume is limited to five standard pages (composed according the Department?s standards).(2) Second step is to present the article during the tutorial which is relative to article?s topic.(3) The last step is to pass the paper which examines knowledge of course?s substance. The final grades are derived from the results of the students? papers according following way of paper?s grading:100% ? 85% ? Excellent84% ? 69% ? Very Good68% ? 53% ? GoodBelow 52% ? Insufficient
Mgr. Jan Prouza