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Předmět Intercult. Busin. Commun. in Glob. Env. (KAL / AIBCG)

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Další informace


Předmět se zabývá moderními formami obchodní komunikace v globálním světě podnikání v nadnárodních organizacích. Cílem předmětu je nastínit proměnu obchodní komunikace v posledním desetiletí a upozornit na možné problémy, které tato změna přináší, a dále se také zaměřuje na nové trendy v interkulturním (transkulturním) managementu.1. Communication and culture2. Studying intercultural communication3. Cultural influences on context: The business setting4. Intercultural communication in an evolving business context5. Becoming competent: Improving intercultural communication6. The global manager´s environment7. Managing interdependance8. The cultural context of global management9. Cross-cultural negotiations and decision making10. Implementing strategy for international and global operations11. Global alliances and strategy implementation12. Global human resources management- Samovar, L. A., Porter, R. E., McDaniel, E. R. (2007) Communication between Cultures. Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth.- Deresky, Helen (2008) International Management. Managing across Borders and Cultures. New Jersey: Pearson.Ball, A. Donald a McCulloch, Wendell H. (1996) International Business. The Challenge of Global Competition. Boston: Irwin Mcraw Hill.Bartlett, Christopher et al. (2008) Transnational Management. Texts, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Cultural Management. New York: McGraw-Hill.Holliday, Adrian, Hyde, Martin, Kullman, John (2010) Intercultural Communication. An Advanced Resource Book for Students. London and New London: Routledge.Bargiela-Chiappini, Francesca, ed. (2008) The Handbook of Business Discourse. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University PressMartin, Judith N., Thomas K. Nakayama (2010) Intercultural Communication in Context. New York: McGraw Hill.Ting-Toomey, Stella (1998) Communicating Across Cultures. New York and London: The Guilford Press.Hofstede, Geert. Cultural Dimensions, dostupné na http://www.geert-hofstede.com/Hofstede, Geert a Waisfisz, Bob. The Hofstede Model, dostupné na http://www.itimfocus.org/frontpage/page/concepts/hofstede/more

Získané způsobilosti

The subject deals with modern forms of business communication in the global business environment. The aim of the subject is to present new trends and current changes in communication so that the students will be able to manage business communication in global intercultural environment. It also focuses on current trends in intercultural (transcultural) management.


Mgr. et Mgr. Marcel Pikhart, Ph.D.


Mgr. et Mgr. Marcel Pikhart, Ph.D.Majid Ziaei Nafchi