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Předmět Hermeneutika (RL004)

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Petr Pokorný: Hermeneutika jako teorie porozumění. Vyšehrad, Praha, 2005. Manfred Oeming: Úvod do biblické hermeneutiky. Vyšehrad, Praha, 2001. John Breck, Scripture in Tradition: The Bible and Its Interpretation in the Orthodox Church, SVS, Crestwood, 2001. Rowan Williams, Silence and Honey Cakes: The Wisdom of the Desert, Lion Hudson, Oxford, 2004. Leonid Ouspensky and Vladimir Lossky, The Meaning of Icons, SVS, Crestwood, 1999. Karel Skalický, Hermeneutika a její proměny, Ježek, Praha, 1997. Paul Ricoeur, Úkol hermeneutiky: eseje o hermeneutice, Filosofia, Praha, 2004. Ivana Noble, Theological Interpretation of Cultue in Post-Communist Context: central and East European Search for Roots. Ashgate, Farnham - Burlington, 2010. The Bible and the hermeneutics of liberation, Alejandro F. Botta and Pablo R. Andińach (eds), Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, 2009.Tim Noble, Keeping the Window Open: The Theological method of Clodovis Boff and the Problem of the Alterity of the Poor. IBTS, Praha, 2009.


prof. Ivana Noble, Ph.D.