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Předmět Social Work in CR I (RPZ02B)

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This course is offered to ERASMUS students at the Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University Prague, taught in English. The course aims to introduce major social issues and concerns in CR which are closely associated with social work: socio-economic development after 1989, current social structure and emerging problems, approaches to solve them and basic coping strategies. The course will explore theories and concepts related to social exclusion and integration, legal concerns and brig examples of practical applications to be analysed and discussed by the course participants. The course is taught over a semester (12 sessions) with one lecture or seminar each week.


Social Work in CR - Current Situation and Challenges I. Course leaders: Jaroslava Šťastná, Ph.D., Daniel Bartoň, PhD.; Hana Janečková, PhD.; Petra Klvačová, PhD., Eva Křížová, PhD.; The course is taught over a semester (12 sessions) with one lecture or seminar each week. Extension: 2 hours a weekCredits: 5Final examination: final semester essay (8-10 pages), which is to be submitted by June 5th. Power-point presentation of the essay ideas to be discussed at the final workshop. Plus other seminar works required by the individual course leaders. Topics: · Transition of the Czech society after 1989 - social reflection. (EK) · The legal capacity of people with disabilities in Czech and European case law. (DB)· The system of social services in the CR. (HJ)· Transformation of the institutional care to the form of services provided in community. (HJ)· Individual planning with the service user as a process of social inclusion. (HJ)· Social exclusions and ways to integrate socially marginalized groups. Basic concepts and ideas. (JŠ)· The Czech Health system in international context. (EK) · Social Work with the Special Target Groups on the Health-Social Borderline (old people, people with dementia, people with mental illness, people with long- term illness and activity limitation). (HJ) Research in the field of social work (PK)· Developing and presenting ideas of the examples of social exclusions (workshop and discussion). (JŠ)· Final workshop.


Borzaga.C; Defourny.J. Eds. (2001) The Emergence of Social Enterprise. London Routledge. Lashin v. Russia, judgement of the European Court of Human Rights delivered on 22 January 2013, application no. 33117/02. Accessible at http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/Person-centred planning. On-line. Accessible at: http://www.autism.org.uk/working-with/social-care-and-support/person-centred-planning.aspxShtukaturov v. Russia, judgement of the European Court of Human Rights delivered on 27 March 2008, application no. 44009/05. Accessible at http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/)Structure of Social Services - current status in the Czech Republic. On-line. Accessible at:http://www.mpsv.cz/files/clanky/1998/2646.pdf Sýkora v. The Czech Republic, judgement of the European Court of Human Rights delivered on 22 November 2012, application no. 23419/07. Accessible at http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/Večerník, J. (2009) Czech Society in the 2000s. Academia. Wolleb G, Daraio A. New social risks, Europa. Accessible at: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/studies/pdf/challenges2020/regional_challenges_new_social_risk.pdfOther Web Sources: Articles related to the transformation of institutions. Accessible on-line at: http://www.trass.cz/TrassDefault.aspx?rid=1&app=NavBar&grp=AtonPortlets&mod=Menu&sta=NavBarMenu&pst=NavBarLightMenu&p1=OID_INT_2295&p2=RoundPanel_BOOL_True&p3=ExpandAll_BOOL_True&p4=ShowRoundPanel_BOOL_True&acode=1612Articles related to social economy. Accessible on-line at: www.ceske-socialni-podnikani.cz; http://www.socialenterprise.org.uk/


PhDr. Jaroslava Šťastná, Ph.D.PhDr. Hana Janečková, Ph.D.PhDr. Eva Křížová, Ph.D.