Předmět Stylistická cvičení (AAA130183)
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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu
Materiály tohoto předmětu
Materiál | Typ | Datum | Počet stažení |
Další informace
1. Having fun in style ...in which we take a light-hearted look at a selection of the most common stylistic errors and weaknesses andoutline a 'troubleshooting' strategy(Introduction)2. Getting it right ...in which we focus on grammatical accuracy, root out needless slips and pinpoint fossilized errors(focus: Correctness)3. Making sense ...in which we structure sentences, relate clauses, use conjuncts, refine word order and organize paragraphs(focus: Logic)4. Putting your finger on it ...in which we fine-tune meaning and avoid ambiguity(focus: Precision)5. Keeping to the point ...in which we avoid wordiness and steer clear of tautologies and pleonasms(focus: Relevance)6. The long and the short of it ...in which we look at ellipsis, abbreviation and contraction(focus: Economy)7. To comma or not to comma? ...in which we master punctuation and, in particular, use of the English comma(focus: Readability)8. The same difference ...in which we delve deeper into synonymity and antonymity and further develop lexical variety and contrast(focus: Variety)9. Letting it flow ...in which we vary sentence length and rhythm, avoid stilted structures and work on cohesive devices(focus: Cohesion)10. The likes of them ...in which we draw upon metaphor and simile(focus: Imagination)11. Pitching it right ...in which we establish and maintain register and pay attention to situation, politeness and convention(focus: Register)12. Watching your tongue, watching your pen ...in which we look not at what to use, but when and where to use it, and how to euphemize(focus: Slang and appropriateness)13. Time to conclude, finish and have done with it ...in which we produce and discuss a final checklist of points for stylistic improvement and receive tutorfeedback on final written assignments(Closing session)
The following are recommended as background reading:Crystal, D. (2000, second edition) Who Cares About English Usage?, London, Penguin BooksSimpson, P. (2004) Stylistics - a resource book for students, London, RoutledgeWright, L. & J. Hope (1996) Stylistics - a practical coursebook, London, Routledge Besides the above, regular reference will be made to various usage studies and style manuals including the following:Chicago Manual of Style, The (2006, 15th edition), Chicago, University of ChicagoMarsh, D (2007) Guardian Style, London, Guardian BooksRitter, R. M. (2002) The Oxford Guide to Style, Oxford, Oxford University Press
- attendance (max. two absences)- active contribution to discussions [30 % of total assessment]- completion of brief weekly tasks by stated deadlines (task list to be posted on Moodle at the start of term)[30 % of total assessment]- completion of concluding textual assignment (a short piece of original writing on a selected topic) [40 % oftotal assessment]
Sarah Jane Gráfová, BA