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Předmět Anglická historická lingvistika A (AAA500108)

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OBJECTIVES1.   to strengthen the understanding of English in its historical forms and functions;2.   to strengthen the understanding of language change


PROGRAMME:  Week 1 (3 Oct)IntroductoryWeek 2 (10 Oct)Sound change 1: Three views of sound change (McMahon, pp. 14-46)Week 3 (17 Oct)Sound change 2: The implementation problem (McMahon, pp. 47-69)Week 4 (24 Oct)Morphological change (McMahon, pp. 69-107)Test 1Week 5 (31 Oct)Syntactic change 1: the transparency principle (McMahon, pp. 107-138)Week 6 (7 Nov)Syntactic change 2: word order change and grammaticalisation: language change and general laws (McMahon, pp. 138-173)Week 7 (14 Nov)Grammaticalisation theory: E. C.Traugott, "Constructions in Grammaticalisation", in:  Joseph, B. D. - R. D. Janda, A Handbook of Historical Linguistics, Blackwell 2008, pp. 624-647.Test 2Week 8 (21 Nov)Lexicalisation theory:"Theoretical contexts for the study of lexicalisation and grammaticalisation" (Brinton - Traugott, pp. 1-31)"Lexicalisation: definitions and viewpoints" (Brinton - Traugott, pp. 32-61)Week 9 (28 Nov)Semantic and lexical change (McMahon, pp. 174-199) Week 10 (5 Dec)Language contact (McMahon, pp. 200-224)Test 3Week 11 (12 Dec)Linguistic variation (McMahon, pp. 225-252)Week 12 (19 Dec)Pidgins and creoles (McMahon, pp. 253-283)Week 13 (2 Jan)Language death (McMahon, pp. 284-313).Test 4NOTE: All relevant primary and secondary materials will be available from Moodle.


McMahon, April M. S. (1994, 2002). Understanding Language Change. Cambridge University Press (http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/governance/vc-man-group/biography/) (the course book)E. C.Traugott, "Constructions in Grammaticalisation" (see Week 7) (http://www.stanford.edu/~traugott/)Brinton, L. J. - Traugott, E. C.  (2005). Lexicalization and Language Change. Cambridge University Press (see Week 8)exercises on topic-related worksheets


ASSESSMENTCredit based on seminar attendance, course work and 4 in-class tests.


prof. PhDr. Jan Čermák, CSc.


prof. PhDr. Jan Čermák, CSc.