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Předmět Politics, Visuality, and Experimentation : Czech and Slovak Cinema from the 1950’s to Present (AFV0000167)

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SCHEDULE (subject to change) Week 1           Let’s Start at the Beginning: Or, What IS Central Europe?Keywords: Central Europe,Screening: Jiří Menzel, Closely Watched Trains. (CZ)Required Readings:Milan Kundera, "The Tragedy of Central Europe"Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities,  "Introduction" p.1-7,Supplemental Readings:Tony Judt, Borderlands, "The Coming of the Cold War" pp. 140-149 Week 2           What is ‘National’ Cinema, and How Do We Talk About It?Keywords: Nationalism, Movie MakingScreening: Ján Kadár, Elmar Klos - The Little Shop on Main Street (SK)Required Readings:James Monaco, How to Talk About Film,Chapter 2 "Art and Technology" (selected excerpts)Ľubica Mystríková, The Cinema of Central Europe, "Obchod na korze, A Shop on the High Street" pp. 97 - 105Supplemental Reading:Andrew Higson, Film and Nationalism "The Concept of National Cinemas" Pp. 52-67 Week 3           Politics and Form     Screening : Věra Chytilová, Daises (CZ)Keywords: Formalism, Subversion, GenderReadings:Peter Hames "Věra Chytilová" p.183-201Zdena Skupinová, "Sedikrásky / Daisies" p. 129-136David Bordwell, Film History: An Introduction, p.406, 428.Supplemental Reading:Egon Bondy, Selected PoemsVaclav Havel, et al. "Charta 77" Week 4           Experimentation and Mixed Media (Midterm 1 Due)Keywords: Mixed Media, SurrealismScreenings: Jiří Trnka, The Hand, Jan Švankmejer, A Week at the House, Punch and Judy, Jiří Barta, The Disk jockey (CZ)Aesthetic Dictionary: Experimental film Readings:Fernand Leger, "The Machine Aesthetic: Geometric Order and Truth"  Peter Hames- "Jan Švankmejer"Supplemental Reading: Tony Judt Borderlands, "Into the Whirlwind" [excerpts], pp.187-193Pyotr Bogatryev- "Czech Puppet Theatre and Russian Folk Theatre" http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/the_drama_review/v043/43.3bogatyrev.html   Week 5           Politics and Films Screening: Jan Nemec, Report on the Party and the Guests (CZ)Keywords: Allegory, Dissidence, Show TrialsReadings:Antonín Liehm, Closely Watched Films "Jan Nemec",Peter Hames - "Jan Nemec" 167-183Tony Judt, Borderlands, pp. 199-203, 436-449Supplemental Readings:Franz Kafka, "The Trial" (excerpts) Week 6           Visualistic Journeys, Experimental ViewsScreening: Karel Zeman, A Deadly Invention. (CZ)Keywords: Visuality, ExperimentationReadings:Dudley Andrew, "Adaptation"Sigfried Kracauer, "Basic Concepts" - p.147-158Supplemental Readings:J.P. Telotte A Distant Technology: Science Fiction and the Machine Age, "Technology and Distance". P.1-27Josef Škvorecký, All the Bright Young Men and Women. P.14-30 Week 7           Surreal Slovakia: The Slovak Avant-GardeScreening: Juraj Jakubisko, Birds, Orphans, and Fools (SK)Keywords: Ethnocentrism, The Slovak ProblemPeter Hames: "The Slovak Wave: Juraj Jakubisko, Elo Havetta, and Dušan Hanák" p.212-223Martin Votruba, "Historical and National Background of Slovak Filmmaking", KinoKultura. http://www.kinokultura.com/specials/3/votruba.shtmlSuplemental Reading:Petra Hanáková, "The Anti-Czech Agenda of Slovak Films 1939-1945" (excerpts)Stanislaus Kirchbaum, Slovakia : The Struggle for Survival, "The Slovak Problem" Week 8           The Genre Film        (Midterm 2 Due)Keywords: Genre, SpectacleScreening: Oldřích Lipský, Limonádový Joe (or the Horse Opera) (CZ)Readings:Thomas Schatz, "Film Genre and the Genre Film"David Bordwell, Film History: An Introduction. "New Twists on Old Genres" p.314-316Supplemental Reading: Guy Debord, Society of the Spectacle, (excerpts)                  Week 9           Folklore and Fantasy: Slovak Surrealism RevisitedScreening: Elo Havetta, Party in the Botanical Garden (SK)Keywords: Visual Culture, Folklore, Magical RealismReadings:Jana Dudková, "Celebration in the Botanical Garden" KinoKultura.http://www.kinokultura.com/specials/3/dudkova.shtmlVáclav Macek, "From Czechoslovak to Czech and Slovak Film", KinoKultura. http://www.kinokultura.com/specials/3/macek.shtmlAntonín Liehm : "Elo Havetta"Supplemental Reading:Andrew Sarris, "Notes on the Auteur Theory in 1962" Week 10         Black ComedyScreening : Miloš Forman, The Firemen’s Ball (CZ)Keywords: Black Humor, Farce, SlapstickRequired Readings:Peter Hames "The Forman School: Milos Forman" pp.106-127David Bordwell, Film History : An Introduction. Pp.426-427Supplemental Reading:Milena Jelinek, "An Interview with Miloš Forman" Cross Currents. http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/crossc/anw0935.1985.001/319:ANW0935.1985.001:25?page=root;rgn=subject;size=100;view=image;q1=Forman%2C+Milos Week 11         Ethnicity, Diversity, and the Other: Minority Issues       Screening: Dušán Hanák, Rosy Dreams (SK)Keywords: The Other, Roma, NormalizationReadings:Jana Dudková, "The Problematic Other and the (Im)possibility of Cross-Cultural Dialogue in Slovak Cinema after 1993"Eduard Said, Orientalism. "The Scope of Orientalism" pp.32-49Supplemental Reading:Jan Bernard, "About Gypsies, With Gypsies, Without Gypsies" (excerpts) Week 12 :       Life After Communism?Screening: Jan Hřebejk, Cosy Dens (CZ)Keywords: Nostalgia, Post-CommunismRequired Readings:Petra Hanáková, "Imagining National Identity in Czech Postcommunist Cinema",Václav Havel "In a Time of Transition"Supplemental Reading:Slavoj Žižek, "Two Totalitarianisms", London Review of Books.http://www.lrb.co.uk/v27/n06/slavoj-zizek/the-two-totalitarianisms Final Paper Due


Nicholas Hudac, BA, M.A.