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Předmět VS - The Internet and New Media in the Middle East (ANM50564)

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Top 10 materiálů tohoto předmětu

Materiály tohoto předmětu

Materiál Typ Datum Počet stažení

Další informace


 IntroductionSatellite TV in the Arab worldDevelopment of ICT in the Middle EastInternet and democratizationCensorshipIslam in the digital ageMuslim minorities and the internetCyber jihadVideo games and politicsNew media in IranStudent mini-conference


ABDULLA, Rasha A. 2007. TheInternet in the Arab world: Egypt and beyond. 1st Ed. New York: Peter Lang, 2007, 175 p. ISBN 0820486736. BUNT, Gary R. 2003. Islam in the digital age : e-jihad, online fatwas, and cyber Islamic environments. London : Pluto Press, 2003. 237 p. ISBN 0745320996. BUNT, Gary R. 2009. iMuslims : Rewiring the House of Islam. Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2009. 416 p. ISBN 0807859664. EICKELMAN, D., ANDERSON, J. W. (eds.) New media in the Muslim world: the emerging public sphere. 2nd ed. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2003, p. 106-133. ISBN 0253216052. EL-NAWAWY, Mohammed - ISKANDER, Adel. 2002. Al-Jazeera: How the free Arab news network scooped the world and changed the Middle East. Boulder: Westview Press, 2002. 240 s., ISBN 0813340179. EL-NAWAWY, Mohammed - KHAMIS, Sahar. 2009. Islam dot com : contemporary Islamic discourses in cyberspace. 1st ed. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 269 p. ISBN 0230600352. HOWARD, Phillip N. 2010. The Digital Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy : Information Technology and Political Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, 304 p. ISBN 0199736421. KALATHIL, Shanthi - BOAS, Taylor C. 2003. Open networks, closed regimes : the impact of the Internet on authoritarian rule. Washington, D.C. : Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2003. 217 p. ISBN 0870031945. KRAIDY, Marwan M. - KHALIL, Joe F. 2009. Arab television industries. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 193 p. ISBN 9781844573028. SREBERNY, Annabelle - KHIABANY, Gholam. 2010. Blogistan : the internet and politics in Iran. New York : I. B. Tauris, 2010. 211 p. ISBN 9781845116064.


Paper 7000-8000 words, AAA style guide


Mgr. Vít Šisler, Ph.D.