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Předmět Povinně volitelný předmět - tlumočení z listu (ANMTRPV26)

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Agrifoglio, M., Sight translation and interpreting: A comparative analysis of constraints and failures. Interpreting 6:1, 43-67. 2004.Alexieva, B., A Typology of Interpreter Mediated Events. The Translator 3/2, s. 153-174, 1997.Čeňková, I. a kol., Teorie a didaktika tlumočení I. Praha FF UK: Desktop Publishing, 2001.Čeňková, I., Úvod do teorie tlumočení, Praha 2008.Gallina, S., Cohesion and the Systemic-functional Approach to Text: Applications to Political Speeches and Significance for Simultaneous Interpretation. The Interpreters’ Newsletter 4, s. 62-71, 1992.Gile, D., Conference interpreting as a cognitive management problem: Sight translation and simultaneous interpretation with text. In The Interpreting Studies Reader, Pöchhacker F. and Shlesinger M. (eds). 163-176, London and New York. 2002.Gile, D., Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2009 (rev.) (vybrané kapitoly - o tlumočení z listu).Jankovičová, M., Tlmočenie z listu ako špecifický druh tlmočenia. In Rossica Ostraviensia, Lingua rossica in sphaera mercaturae. Universitas Ostraviensis, Facultas Philosophica, Ostrava, 189-192, 1997.Jiménez Ivars, A., La Traducción a la vista. Un análisis descriptivo. Tesis doctoral. [online] http://www.tesisenxarxa.net/TESIS_UJI/AVAILABLE/TDX-0519103-121513/jimenez-tdx.pdf. 1999.Jiménez Ivars, A., Sight Translation and Written Translation. A Comparative Analysis of Causes of Problems, Strategies and Translation Errors within the PACTE Translation Competence Model. International journal of interpretation and translation, PSN, KSCI, Istanbul, 6 (2): 79-101, 2008.Lambert, S., Shared attention during sight translation, sight interpretation and simultaneous interpretation. META 49: 2, 294-306, 2004.Minjar-Beloručev, R.,K., Kurs ustnogo perevoda. Moskva 1998.Nováková, T., Tlmočenie. Teoria - výučba - prax (monografie). Bratislava, 1993 (vybrané kapitoly).Ondelli, S., Medium Shift in Interpretation: Do interpreters Produce Oral texts? The Interpreters’ Newsletter 8: 181-193, 1998.Pöchhacker, F., Introducing Interpreting Studies. London and New York, 2004 (vybrané kapitoly).Seleskovitch, D., Lederer, M., Pédagogie raisonnée de l’interprétation. Luxemburg. 2002 (vybrané kapitoly).Snelling D., A Typology of Interpretation for Teaching Purposes. In: Gran, L., Dodds, J. (eds). Practical Aspects of Teaching Conference Interpretation. Trieste, s. 23-26, 1989.Viaggio, S., Cognitive Clozing to Teach them to Think. The Interpreters’ Newsletter 4: 40-44, 1992.Viaggio, S. The Praise of Sight Translation (And Squeezing the Last drop Thereout of). The Interpreters’ Newsletter 6: 33-42, 1995.Viezzi, M., Information Retention as a Parameter for the Comparison of Sight Translation and Simultaneous Interpretation: An Experimental Study. The Interpreters’ Newsletter 2: 65-69, 1989.


Zápočet: aktivní účast na seminářích, minimálně 75 % docházka. Tlumočení z listu autentického textu z češtiny do ruštiny s možností přípravy textu na místě ( max. 5 minut)


Mgr. Ing. Maria Molchan


Mgr. Ing. Maria Molchan