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Předmět Dějiny a kultura II (ATA30010)

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Abbreviations used in the syllabus:EAR - Early American Reader, ed. J.A. Leo Lamay, (publ. by USIA,  Washington D.C. 1988) 19CAR - 19th c. American Reader, ed. T. Inge (publ. by USIA,  Washington D.C. 1988)The Makings of America..., vol. I - D. C. Heath and Co.: The Makings of America: The United States and the World. Vol. II: To 1865. Lexington, D. C. Heath and Co. 1993.Basic Readings in US Democracy - Melvin I. Urofsky, Basic Readings in US Democracy, Washington D.C.: United States Information Agency, 1995Heath; Norton - Heath and Norton Anthologies of American LiteratureAnt. - J. Jařab, E. Masnerová, R. Nenadál: Antologie americké literatury, Praha, SPN 1985. 1. Puritanism in New England. William Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation (selection: In Ant.);  Ann Bradstreet: "On My Dear Grandchild Simon Bradstreet, Who Died on 16 November 1669" In: Early American Reader/EAR: 228-229). /2./ 2. Melting pot - and salad bowl. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur: "What Is an American?" (essay, In: Heath, Norton Anthology of Amer. Lit., EAR) /1./ 3. Development towards the statehood and rationalist influence upon the society as represented by Benjamin Franklin: "The Speech of Sidi Mehemet Ibraham" (In: EAR) /1.-4./ 4. Beginning literary reflections upon American society. W. Irving: "Rip Van Winkle" (story,In: EAR, and other anthologies /2.-3./ 5. Contemporary multicuturalism and its limits. Joy Luck Club - film based on Amy Tan´s novel. Reading extracts form Amy Tan, Joy Luck Club, 1989- to be specified. /6./ 6. Discussion of Joy Luck Club - film and book (on the basis of selections). 7. The Declaration of Independence, The Declarations of Sentiments (The Declaration of Independence In: The Makings of America..., vol. I.; In EAR. Read The Declaration of Sentiments from a meeting in Seneca Falls, 1848 (one of the first texts of American feminism; notice the signatures and the name of Frederick Douglass among them) and The Declaration of Sentiments, composed by leading abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison in 1833, as evidence of how the Declaration of Independence truly shaped the political and social thought of those in the opposition to the mainstream policies. In Basic Readings in US Democracy, ON RESERVE WITH THE LIBRARIAN /2., 4./ 8. A vein of American romanticism: transcendentalism. H.D. Thoreau: "Resistance to Civil Government" (In: Heath Anthology of American Literature; in: 19CAR as "On Civil Disobedience"). /3., 4./ 9. The West. Bret Harte: "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" (In: 19CAR: 504-510) /3., 4./ 10. The South. William Faulkner: "Rose for Emily" (a short story, In: Ant.) /4./ 11. - 13. Students´ 10-minute presentations, in English, on chosen texts:  Alice Walker, The Color Purple, 1982; Anzia Yezierska,  Bread Givers, 1925;  Ivan Dubovický, Češi v Americe (Used as a basis for research);  Dave Eggers, Zeitoun, 2010. Focus of presentations: African American experience and perspective; immigration to the US, American multiculturalism and its limits, The US after 9/11. 


Základní literatura: Primární zdroje (viz sylabus)O’Brien, T., Making the Americas, New Mexico University Press 2007Opatrný, J., Amerika v proměnách staletí, LIBRI, Praha 1998Opatrný, J., S. Raková, USA, LIBRI, Praha 2003Tindall, G. B., Shi, D.E., Dějiny států USA, Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, Praha 1994Cunliffe, M. The Literature of the United States. Reprint. Penguin Books: London, 1991.Inge, M. T. A Nineteenth-Century American Reader. USAI 1987Kerber, L. K., Kessler-Harris, A., Kish Sklar, K. U. S. History as Women´s History. Chapel Hill and London, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1995Lemay, A. L. (ed.) An Early American Reader. USAI 1991Marcus G., Sollors, W. (eds.) A New Literary History of America. Harvard: Harvard Univ. Press, 2009.Takaki, R., A Different Mirror. A History of Multicultural America. Boston-N.Y.-London, Little, Brown and Co., 1993Zinn, H. A People’s History of the United States. HarperCollins, 2003


The course consisting of the lecture part given by Prof. Opatrný and this seminar part taught by dr. Kalivodová is concluded by a twofold exam which consists in a short written test examining topics covered by dr. Kalivodová and another part specified by Prof. Opatrný. The two parts are assessed by one grade.The short written test will require the knowledge of texts assigned for reading in the seminar course (primary sources), and their contexts and interpretation  which are the program of the seminar. The reading of historical and literary historical literature (see "Literatura") may help consolidate the knowledge of primary sources.


PhDr. Eva Kalivodová, Ph.D.prof. PhDr. Josef Opatrný, CSc.


PhDr. Eva Kalivodová, Ph.D.prof. PhDr. Josef Opatrný, CSc.